mirror of https://github.com/aclindsa/ofxgo.git synced 2025-03-09 23:41:51 -04:00

Add 401K information to INVSTMTTRNRS

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Lindsay 2017-03-27 20:13:32 -04:00
parent dfa5a4b6f5
commit 2f56698a0b

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@ -686,6 +686,111 @@ type InvBalance struct {
BalList []Balance `xml:"BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"`
type ContribSecurity struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CONTRIBSECURITY"`
SecId SecurityId `xml:"SECID"`
PreTaxContribPct Amount `xml:"PRETAXCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employee pretax contribution allocated to this security, rate.
PreTaxContribAmt Amount `xml:"PRETAXCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employee pretax contribution allocated to this security, amount
AfterTaxContribPct Amount `xml:"AFTERTAXCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employee after tax contribution allocated to this security, rate.
AfterTaxContribAmt Amount `xml:"AFTERTAXCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employee pretax contribution allocated to this security, amount.
MatchContribPct Amount `xml:"MATCHCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employer match contribution allocated to this security, rate.
MatchContribAmt Amount `xml:"MATCHCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employer match contribution allocated to this security, amount.
ProfitSharingContribPct Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARINGCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employer profit sharing contribution allocated to this security, rate.
ProfitSharingContribAmt Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARINGCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employer profit sharing contribution allocated to this security, amount.
RolloverContribPct Amount `xml:"ROLLOVERCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of new rollover contributions allocated to this security, rate.
RolloverContribAmt Amount `xml:"ROLLOVERCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of new rollover contributions allocated to this security, amount.
OtherVestPct Amount `xml:"OTHERVESTPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new other employer contribution allocated to this security, rate.
OtherVestAmt Amount `xml:"OTHERVESTAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new other employer contribution allocated to this security, amount.
OtherNonVestPct Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVESTPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new other employee contribution allocated to this security, rate.
OtherNonVestAmt Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVESTAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new other employee contribution allocated to this security, amount
type VestInfo struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"VESTINFO"`
VestDate Date `xml:"VESTDATE,omitempty"` // Date at which vesting percentage changes. Default (if empty) is that the vesting percentage below applies to the current date
VestPct Amount `xml:"VESTPCT"`
type LoanInfo struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"VESTINFO"`
LoanID String `xml:"LOANID"` // Identifier of this loan
LoanDesc String `xml:"LOANDESC,omitempty"` // Loan description
InitialLoanBal Amount `xml:"INITIALLOANBAL,omitempty"` // Initial loan balance
LoanStartDate Date `xml:"LOANSTARTDATE,omitempty"` // Start date of loan
CurrentLoanBal Amount `xml:"CURRENTLOANBAL"` // Current loan principal balance
DtAsOf Date `xml:"DTASOF"` // Date and time of the current loan balance
LoanRate Amount `xml:"LOANRATE,omitempty"` // Loan annual interest rate
LoanPmtAmt Amount `xml:"LOANPMTAMT,omitempty"` // Loan payment amount
LoanPmtFreq String `xml:"LOANPMTFREQ,omitempty"` // Frequency of loan repayments: WEEKLY, BIWEEKLY, TWICEMONTHLY, MONTHLY, FOURWEEKS, BIMONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUALLY, ANNUALLY, OTHER. See section 10.2.1 for calculation rules.
LoanPmtsInitial Int `xml:"LOANPMTSINITIAL,omitempty"` // Initial number of loan payments.
LoanPmtsRemaining Int `xml:"LOANPMTSREMAINING,omitempty"` // Remaining number of loan payments
LoanMaturityDate Date `xml:"LOANMATURITYDATE,omitempty"` // Expected loan end date
LoanTotalProjInterest Amount `xml:"LOANTOTALPROJINTEREST,omitempty"` // Total projected interest to be paid on this loan
LoanInterestToDate Amount `xml:"LOANINTERESTTODATE,omitempty"` // Total interested paid to date on this loan
LoanExtPmtDate Date `xml:"LOANNEXTPMTDATE,omitempty"` // Next payment due date
type Inv401KSummaryAggregate struct {
PreTax Amount `xml:"PRETAX,omitempty"` // Pretax withdrawals.
AfterTax Amount `xml:"AFTERTAX,omitempty"` // After tax withdrawals.
Match Amount `xml:"MATCH,omitempty"` // Employer matching withdrawals.
ProfitSharing Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARING,omitempty"` // Profit sharing withdrawals.
Rollover Amount `xml:"ROLLOVER,omitempty"` // Rollover withdrawals.
OtherVest Amount `xml:"OTHERVEST,omitempty"` // Other vesting withdrawals.
OtherNonVest Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVEST,omitempty"` // Other non-vesting withdrawals.
Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Sum of withdrawals from all fund sources.
type Inv401KSummaryPeriod struct {
DtStart Date `xml:"DTSTART"`
DtEnd Date `xml:"DTEND"`
Contributions Inv401KSummaryAggregate `xml:"CONTRIBUTIONS,omitempty"` // 401(k) contribution aggregate. Note: this includes loan payments.
Withdrawls Inv401KSummaryAggregate `xml:"WITHDRAWLS,omitempty"` // 401(k) withdrawals aggregate. Note: this includes loan withdrawals.
Earnings Inv401KSummaryAggregate `xml:"EARNINGS,omitempty"` // 401(k) earnings aggregate. This is the market value change. It includes dividends/interest, and capital gains - realized and unrealized.
type Inv401K struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INV401K"`
EmployerName String `xml:"EMPLOYERNAME"`
PlanID String `xml:"PLANID,omitempty"` // Plan number
PlanJoinDate Date `xml:"PLANJOINDATE,omitempty"` // Date the employee joined the plan
EmployerContactInfo String `xml:"EMPLOYERCONTACTINFO,omitempty"` // Name of contact person at employer, plus any available contact information, such as phone number
BrokerContactInfo String `xml:"BROKERCONTACTINFO,omitempty"` // Name of contact person at broker, plus any available contact information, such as phone number
DeferPctPreTax Amount `xml:"DEFERPCTPRETAX,omitempty"` // Percent of employee salary deferred before tax
DeferPctAfterTax Amount `xml:"DEFERPCTAFTERTAX,omitempty"` // Percent of employee salary deferred after tax
//<MATCHINFO> Aggregate containing employer match information. Absent if employer does not contribute matching funds.
MatchPct Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>MATCHPCT,omitempty"` // Percent of employee contribution matched, e.g., 75% if contribution rate is $0.75/$1.00
MaxMatchAmt Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>MAXMATCHAMT,omitempty"` // Maximum employer contribution amount in any year
MaxMatchPct Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>MAXMATCHPCT,omitempty"` // Current maximum employer contribution percentage. Maximum match in a year is MAXMATCHPCT up to the MAXMATCHAMT, if provided
StartOfYear Date `xml:"MATCHINFO>STARTOFYEAR,omitempty"` // Specifies when the employer contribution max is reset. Some plans have a maximum based on the company fiscal year rather than calendar year. Assume calendar year if omitted. Only the month and day (MMDD) are used; year (YYYY) and time are ignored
BaseMatchAmt Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>BASEMATCHAMT"` // Specifies a fixed dollar amount contributed by the employer if the employee participates in the plan at all. This may be present in addition to the <MATCHPCT>. $0 if omitted
BaseMatchPct Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>BASEMATCHPCT"` // Specifies a fixed percent of employee salary matched if the employee participates in the plan at all. This may be present in addition to the MATCHPCT>. 0% if omitted. Base match in a year is BASEMATCHPCT up to the BASEMATCHAMT,if provided
ContribInfo []ContribSecurity `xml:"CONTRIBINTO>CONTRIBSECURITY"` // Aggregate to describe how new contributions are distributed among the available securities.
CurrentVestPct Amount `xml:"CURRENTVESTPCT,omitempty"` // Estimated percentage of employer contributions vested as of the current date. If omitted, assume 100%
VestInfo []VestInfo `xml:"VESTINFO,omitempty"` // Vest change dates. Provides the vesting percentage as of any particular past, current, or future date. 0 or more.
LoanInfo []LoanInfo `xml:"LOANINFO,omitempty"` // List of any loans outstanding against this account
YearToDateSummary Inv401KSummaryPeriod `xml:"INV401KSUMMARY>YEARTODATE"` // Contributions to date for this calendar year.
InceptToDateSummary Inv401KSummaryPeriod `xml:"INV401KSUMMARY>INCEPTODATE,omitempty"` // Total contributions to date (since inception)
PeriodToDate Inv401KSummaryPeriod `xml:"INV401KSUMMARY>PERIODTODATE,omitempty"` // Total contributions this contribution period
type Inv401KBal struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INV401KBAL"`
CashBal Amount `xml:"CASHBAL,omitempty"` // Available cash balance
PreTax Amount `xml:"PRETAX,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Before Tax Employee contributions
AfterTax Amount `xml:"AFTERTAX,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with After Tax Employee contributions
Match Amount `xml:"MATCH,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Employer Match contributions
ProfitSharing Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARING,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Employer Profit Sharing contributions
Rollover Amount `xml:"ROLLOVER,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Rollover contributions
OtherVest Amount `xml:"OTHERVEST,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Other (vesting) Employer contributions
OtherNonVest Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVEST,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Other (non-vesting) Employer contributions
Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Current value of all securities purchased with all contributions
BalList []Balance `xml:"BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"`
type InvStatementResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVSTMTTRNRS"`
@ -699,9 +804,9 @@ type InvStatementResponse struct {
InvPosList PositionList `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVPOSLIST,omitempty"`
InvBal InvBalance `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVBAL,omitempty"`
MktgInfo String `xml:"INVSTMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information
MktgInfo String `xml:"INVSTMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information
Inv401K Inv401K `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INV401K,omitempty"`
Inv401KBal Inv401KBal `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INV401KBAL,omitempty"`
func (sr InvStatementResponse) Name() string {