mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 07:51:52 -04:00
Add testing for basic types, fix some bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -13,23 +14,36 @@ import (
type Int int64
func (oi *Int) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type Amount big.Rat
func (a *Amount) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
var value string
var b big.Rat
err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start)
if err != nil {
return err
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(value), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
// The OFX spec allows the start of the fractional amount to be delineated
// by a comma, so fix that up before attempting to parse it into big.Rat
value = strings.Replace(value, ",", ".", 1)
if _, ok := b.SetString(value); !ok {
return errors.New("Failed to parse OFX amount into big.Rat")
*oi = (Int)(i)
*a = Amount(b)
return nil
type Amount string
func (a Amount) String() string {
var b big.Rat = big.Rat(a)
return strings.TrimRight(strings.TrimRight(b.FloatString(100), "0"), ".")
// TODO parse Amount into big.Rat?
func (a *Amount) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
return e.EncodeElement(a.String(), start)
type Date time.Time
@ -67,15 +81,30 @@ func (od *Date) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
return err
if len(matches[3]) > 0 {
zoneminutes, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
zoneminutes, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[3])
if err != nil {
return err
zoneminutes = zoneminutes * 60 / 100
zone = fmt.Sprintf(" %+03d%02d", zonehours, zoneminutes)
// Get the time zone name if it's there, default to GMT if the offset
// is 0 and a name isn't supplied
if len(matches[5]) > 0 {
zone = zone + " " + matches[5]
zoneFormat = zoneFormat + " MST"
} else if zonehours == 0 && zoneminutes == 0 {
zone = zone + " GMT"
zoneFormat = zoneFormat + " MST"
} else {
// Default to GMT if no time zone was specified
zone = " +0000 GMT"
zoneFormat = " -0700 MST"
// Try all the date formats, from longest to shortest
for _, format := range ofxDateFormats {
t, err := time.Parse(format+zoneFormat, value+zone)
if err == nil {
@ -91,14 +120,23 @@ func (od Date) String() string {
t := time.Time(od)
format := t.Format(ofxDateFormats[0])
zonename, zoneoffset := t.Zone()
format += "[" + fmt.Sprintf("%+d", zoneoffset/3600)
fractionaloffset := (zoneoffset % 3600) / 360
if zoneoffset < 0 {
format += "[" + fmt.Sprintf("%+d", zoneoffset/3600)
} else {
format += "[" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", zoneoffset/3600)
fractionaloffset := (zoneoffset % 3600) / 36
if fractionaloffset > 0 {
format += "." + fmt.Sprintf("%02d", fractionaloffset)
} else if fractionaloffset < 0 {
format += "." + fmt.Sprintf("%02d", -fractionaloffset)
return format + ":" + zonename + "]"
if len(zonename) > 0 {
return format + ":" + zonename + "]"
} else {
return format + "]"
func (od *Date) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
@ -117,6 +155,10 @@ func (os *String) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
return nil
func (os *String) String() string {
return string(*os)
type Boolean bool
func (ob *Boolean) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
@ -144,12 +186,19 @@ func (ob *Boolean) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
return e.EncodeElement("N", start)
func (ob *Boolean) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *ob)
type UID string
func (ou *UID) Valid() (bool, error) {
if len(*ou) != 36 {
func (ou UID) Valid() (bool, error) {
if len(ou) != 36 {
return false, errors.New("UID not 36 characters long")
if ou[8] != '-' || ou[13] != '-' || ou[18] != '-' || ou[23] != '-' {
return false, errors.New("UID missing hyphens at the appropriate places")
return true, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
package ofxgo_test
import (
func getTypeName(i interface{}) string {
val := reflect.ValueOf(i)
// Do the same thing that encoding/xml does to get the name
for val.Kind() == reflect.Interface || val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if val.IsNil() {
return ""
val = val.Elem()
return val.Type().Name()
func marshalHelper(t *testing.T, expected string, i interface{}) {
typename := getTypeName(i)
expectedstring := fmt.Sprintf("<%s>%s</%s>", typename, expected, typename)
b, err := xml.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error on xml.Marshal(%T): %s\n", i, err)
if string(b) != expectedstring {
t.Fatalf("Expected '%s', got '%s'\n", expectedstring, string(b))
func unmarshalHelper2(t *testing.T, input string, expected interface{}, overwritten interface{}, eq func(a, b interface{}) bool) {
typename := getTypeName(expected)
inputstring := fmt.Sprintf("<%s>%s</%s>", typename, input, typename)
err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(inputstring), &overwritten)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error on xml.Unmarshal(%T): %s\n", expected, err)
if !eq(overwritten, expected) {
t.Fatalf("Expected '%s', got '%s'\n", expected, overwritten)
func unmarshalHelper(t *testing.T, input string, expected interface{}, overwritten interface{}) {
eq := func(a, b interface{}) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(a, b)
unmarshalHelper2(t, input, expected, overwritten, eq)
func TestMarshalInt(t *testing.T) {
var i ofxgo.Int = 927
marshalHelper(t, "927", &i)
i = 0
marshalHelper(t, "0", &i)
i = -768276587425
marshalHelper(t, "-768276587425", &i)
func TestUnmarshalInt(t *testing.T) {
var i, overwritten ofxgo.Int = -48394, 0
unmarshalHelper(t, "-48394", &i, &overwritten)
i = 0
unmarshalHelper(t, "0", &i, &overwritten)
i = 198237198
unmarshalHelper(t, "198237198", &i, &overwritten)
func TestMarshalAmount(t *testing.T) {
var a ofxgo.Amount
var b *big.Rat = (*big.Rat)(&a)
b.SetFrac64(8, 1)
marshalHelper(t, "8", &a)
b.SetFrac64(1, 8)
marshalHelper(t, "0.125", &a)
b.SetFrac64(-1, 200)
marshalHelper(t, "-0.005", &a)
marshalHelper(t, "0", &a)
marshalHelper(t, "-768276587425", &a)
b.SetFrac64(1, 12)
marshalHelper(t, "0.0833333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333", &a)
func TestUnmarshalAmount(t *testing.T) {
var a, overwritten ofxgo.Amount
var b *big.Rat = (*big.Rat)(&a)
// Amount/big.Rat needs a special equality test because reflect.DeepEqual
// doesn't always return equal for two values that big.Rat.Cmp() does
eq := func(a, b interface{}) bool {
if amountA, ok := a.(*ofxgo.Amount); ok {
if amountB, ok2 := b.(*ofxgo.Amount); ok2 {
ratA := (*big.Rat)(amountA)
return ratA.Cmp((*big.Rat)(amountB)) == 0
return false
b.SetFrac64(12, 1)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "12", &a, &overwritten, eq)
b.SetFrac64(-21309, 100)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "-213.09", &a, &overwritten, eq)
b.SetFrac64(8192, 1000)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "8.192", &a, &overwritten, eq)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "+8.192", &a, &overwritten, eq)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "0", &a, &overwritten, eq)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "+0", &a, &overwritten, eq)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "-0", &a, &overwritten, eq)
unmarshalHelper2(t, "-19487135", &a, &overwritten, eq)
func TestMarshalDate(t *testing.T) {
var d ofxgo.Date
UTC := time.FixedZone("UTC", 0)
GMT_nodesc := time.FixedZone("", 0)
EST := time.FixedZone("EST", -5*60*60)
NPT := time.FixedZone("NPT", (5*60+45)*60)
IST := time.FixedZone("IST", (5*60+30)*60)
NST := time.FixedZone("NST", -(3*60+30)*60)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, NPT))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[5.75:NPT]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, EST))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[-5:EST]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, UTC))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0:UTC]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, IST))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[5.50:IST]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(9999, 11, 1, 23, 59, 59, 1000, EST))
marshalHelper(t, "99991101235959.000[-5:EST]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, IST))
marshalHelper(t, "00000101000000.000[5.50:IST]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Unix(0, 0).In(UTC))
marshalHelper(t, "19700101000000.000[0:UTC]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 0, 0, 26, 53*1000*1000, EST))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314000026.053[-5:EST]", &d)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 0, 0, 26, 53*1000*1000, NST))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314000026.053[-3.50:NST]", &d)
// Time zone without textual description
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, GMT_nodesc))
marshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0]", &d)
func TestUnmarshalDate(t *testing.T) {
var d, overwritten ofxgo.Date
GMT := time.FixedZone("GMT", 0)
EST := time.FixedZone("EST", -5*60*60)
NPT := time.FixedZone("NPT", (5*60+45)*60)
IST := time.FixedZone("IST", (5*60+30)*60)
NST := time.FixedZone("NST", -(3*60+30)*60)
NST_nodesc := time.FixedZone("", -(3*60+30)*60)
// Ensure omitted fields default to the correct values
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, GMT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0]", &d, &overwritten)
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, GMT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314", &d, &overwritten)
// Ensure all signs on time zone offsets are properly handled
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, GMT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0:GMT]", &d, &overwritten)
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[+0:GMT]", &d, &overwritten)
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[-0:GMT]", &d, &overwritten)
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0]", &d, &overwritten)
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[+0]", &d, &overwritten)
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[-0]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, NPT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[5.75:NPT]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, EST))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[-5:EST]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, GMT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0:GMT]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, IST))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[5.50:IST]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2018, 11, 1, 23, 59, 58, 0, EST))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20181101235958.000[-5:EST]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, IST))
unmarshalHelper(t, "00000101000000.000[5.50:IST]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Unix(0, 0).In(GMT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "19700101000000.000[0:GMT]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 0, 0, 26, 53*1000*1000, EST))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314000026.053[-5:EST]", &d, &overwritten)
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 0, 0, 26, 53*1000*1000, NST))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314000026.053[-3.50:NST]", &d, &overwritten)
// Autopopulate zone without textual description for GMT
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 15, 9, 26, 53*1000*1000, GMT))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314150926.053[0]", &d, &overwritten)
// but not for others:
d = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 3, 14, 0, 0, 26, 53*1000*1000, NST_nodesc))
unmarshalHelper(t, "20170314000026.053[-3.50]", &d, &overwritten)
func TestMarshalString(t *testing.T) {
var s ofxgo.String = ""
marshalHelper(t, "", &s)
s = "foo&bar"
marshalHelper(t, "foo&bar", &s)
s = "\n"
marshalHelper(t, "
", &s)
s = "Some Name"
marshalHelper(t, "Some Name", &s)
func TestUnmarshalString(t *testing.T) {
var s, overwritten ofxgo.String = "", ""
unmarshalHelper(t, "", &s, &overwritten)
s = "foo&bar"
unmarshalHelper(t, "foo&bar", &s, &overwritten)
// whitespace intentionally stripped because some OFX servers add newlines
// inside tags
s = "new\nline"
unmarshalHelper(t, " new
", &s, &overwritten)
s = "Some Name"
unmarshalHelper(t, "Some Name", &s, &overwritten)
func TestMarshalBoolean(t *testing.T) {
var b ofxgo.Boolean = true
marshalHelper(t, "Y", &b)
b = false
marshalHelper(t, "N", &b)
func TestUnmarshalBoolean(t *testing.T) {
var b, overwritten ofxgo.Boolean = true, false
unmarshalHelper(t, "Y", &b, &overwritten)
b = false
unmarshalHelper(t, "N", &b, &overwritten)
func TestMarshalUID(t *testing.T) {
var u ofxgo.UID = "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180-81706829cb04"
marshalHelper(t, "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180-81706829cb04", &u)
func TestUnmarshalUID(t *testing.T) {
var u, overwritten ofxgo.UID = "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180-81706829cb04", ""
unmarshalHelper(t, "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180-81706829cb04", &u, &overwritten)
func TestUIDValid(t *testing.T) {
var u ofxgo.UID = "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180-81706829cb04"
if ok, err := u.Valid(); !ok || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UID unexpectedly failed validation\n")
u = "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180-81706829cb0"
if ok, err := u.Valid(); ok || err == nil {
t.Fatalf("UID should have failed validation because it's too short\n")
u = "d1cf3d3d-9ef94a97-b180-81706829cb04"
if ok, err := u.Valid(); ok || err == nil {
t.Fatalf("UID should have failed validation because it's missing hyphens\n")
u = "d1cf3d3d-9ef9-4a97-b180981706829cb04"
if ok, err := u.Valid(); ok || err == nil {
t.Fatalf("UID should have failed validation because its hyphens have been replaced\n")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user