# Maintainer: Aaron Lindsay <aaron@aclindsay.com> # Name of the Software your PKGBUILD will install - should be unique. See PKGBUILD#pkgname pkgname=seafile # The version number for the software pkgver=1.8.1 #The release number for the arch package, as fixes are added to the PKGBUILD, the release number will increase pkgrel=1 # The description of the package, should be about 80 characters long (one line) pkgdesc="Seafile is an open-source Dropbox replacement." # The type of processor this software can build and work on. See PKGBUILD#arch arch=('i686' 'x86_64') # The official website for the software your PKGBUILD will install url="http://seafile.com" # The License that the software is released under. See PKGBUILD#license license=('GPLv3') # Packages that your software needs to run. If the dependancy requires a minimum version number use the >= operator depends=('glib2>=2.28' 'libevent>=2.0' 'curl' 'util-linux' 'intltool>=0.40' 'sqlite>=3.7' 'libmysqlclient>=5.5' 'gtk2>=2.24' 'python2-mako' 'python2-webpy' 'python2-simplejson' 'python2-imaging' 'python2-chardet' 'python2-pip' 'python2-virtualenv' 'libnotify' 'gunicorn' 'python2-djblets' 'ccnet>=1.3.3' 'libsearpc>=1.1.0' 'libevhtp') # Packages that must be installed to build the software, but at not necessary to run it makedepends=('pacman>=4.1') # Optional packages that extend the software's functionality optdepends=() # List of Package names that this PKGBUILD provides. Put modified packages that will be installed here. provides=() conflicts=('django' 'django-rest-framework') # Change the default behavior of makepkg see PKGBUILD#options options= install=seafile.install source=("https://seafile.googlecode.com/files/seafile-1.8.1.tar.gz" "seafile-admin.patch" "tools_Makefile.am.patch" "seafile.install") sha256sums=('b08d4a79ef26023e49e5882d88d6e8d918dbb3e0ea17694fea1d593b493c8f81' '0d9578b85c00f3087a19f227b29c3fda13e83d093d024c68c1df5575d30d56dc' '3afb6b0ce902215d4b4f119e1094b2b84b2ec39e4ba8bd29d40fd7b5cdf4fa0c' 'ce0cbf29b87e29709c6f7a1e6558a6c22d5aa24d41a9ed5b1dd44eab15c4d45c') prepare () { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" patch -p1 -i $srcdir/seafile-admin.patch patch -p1 -i $srcdir/tools_Makefile.am.patch } build () { cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" aclocal automake --add-missing ./configure --enable-server --enable-httpserver --prefix=/usr PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 make -j1 } package () { #install library and header files cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install }