mirror of https://github.com/aclindsa/ofxgo.git synced 2024-09-21 10:20:04 -04:00
Aaron Lindsay 6491311dbc Move credit cards to the right message set
They don't belong in with the banking message set like they were, even
though they're in the same section in the spec...
2017-03-22 20:01:30 -04:00

179 lines
8.6 KiB

package ofxgo
import (
type StatementRequest struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNRQ"`
BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"STMTRQ>BANKACCTFROM"`
DtStart Date `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTSTART,omitempty"`
DtEnd Date `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTEND,omitempty"`
Include Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>INCLUDE"` // Include transactions (instead of just balance)
IncludePending Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCLUDEPENDING,omitempty"` // Include pending transactions
IncTranImg Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRANIMG,omitempty"` // Include transaction images
func (r *StatementRequest) Name() string {
return "STMTTRNRQ"
func (r *StatementRequest) Valid() (bool, error) {
if ok, err := r.TrnUID.Valid(); !ok {
return false, err
return true, nil
type Payee struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PAYEE"`
Name String `xml:"NAME"`
Addr1 String `xml:"ADDR1"`
Addr2 String `xml:"ADDR2,omitempty"`
Addr3 String `xml:"ADDR3,omitempty"`
City String `xml:"CITY"`
State String `xml:"STATE"`
PostalCode String `xml:"POSTALCODE"`
Country String `xml:"COUNTRY,omitempty"`
Phone String `xml:"PHONE"`
type ImageData struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"IMAGEDATA"`
ImageType String `xml:"IMAGETYPE"` // One of STATEMENT, TRANSACTION, TAX
ImageRef String `xml:"IMAGEREF"` // URL or identifier, depending on IMAGEREFTYPE
ImageRefType String `xml:"IMAGEREFTYPE"` // One of OPAQUE, URL, FORMURL (see spec for more details on how to access images of each of these types)
// Only one of the next two should be valid at any given time
ImageDelay Int `xml:"IMAGEDELAY,omitempty"` // Number of calendar days from DTSERVER (for statement images) or DTPOSTED (for transaction image) the image will become available
DtImageAvail Date `xml:"DTIMAGEAVAIL,omitempty"` // Date image will become available
ImageTTL Int `xml:"IMAGETTL,omitempty"` // Number of days after image becomes available that it will remain available
CheckSup String `xml:"CHECKSUP,omitempty"` // What is contained in check images. One of FRONTONLY, BACKONLY, FRONTANDBACK
type Transaction struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRN"`
TrnType String `xml:"TRNTYPE"` // One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, OTHER
DtPosted Date `xml:"DTPOSTED"`
DtUser Date `xml:"DTUSER,omitempty"`
DtAvail Date `xml:"DTAVAIL,omitempty"`
TrnAmt Amount `xml:"TRNAMT"`
FiTId String `xml:"FITID"`
CorrectFiTId String `xml:"CORRECTFITID,omitempty"` // Transaction Id that this transaction corrects, if present
CorrectAction String `xml:"CORRECTACTION,omitempty"` // One of DELETE, REPLACE
SrvrTId String `xml:"SRVRTID,omitempty"`
CheckNum String `xml:"CHECKNUM,omitempty"`
RefNum String `xml:"REFNUM,omitempty"`
SIC Int `xml:"SIC,omitempty"` // Standard Industrial Code
PayeeId String `xml:"PAYEEID,omitempty"`
// Note: Servers should provide NAME or PAYEE, but not both
Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"`
Payee Payee `xml:"PAYEE,omitempty"`
ExtdName String `xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"` // Extended name of payee or transaction description
BankAcctTo BankAcct `xml:"BANKACCTTO,omitempty"` // If the transfer was to a bank account we have the account information for
CCAcctTo CCAcct `xml:"CCACCTTO,omitempty"` // If the transfer was to a credit card account we have the account information for
Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` // Extra information (not in NAME)
ImageData []ImageData `xml:"IMAGEDATA,omitempty"`
Currency String `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
OrigCurrency String `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
Inv401kSource String `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST (Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST.)
type TransactionList struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKTRANLIST"`
DtStart Date `xml:"DTSTART"`
DtEnd Date `xml:"DTEND"`
Transactions []Transaction `xml:"STMTTRN,omitempty"`
type PendingTransaction struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRN"`
TrnType String `xml:"TRNTYPE"` // One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, HOLD, OTHER
DtTran Date `xml:"DTTRAN"`
DtExpire Date `xml:"DTEXPIRE,omitempty"` // only valid for TrnType==HOLD, the date the hold will expire
TrnAmt Amount `xml:"TRNAMT"`
RefNum String `xml:"REFNUM,omitempty"`
Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"`
ExtdName String `xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"` // Extended name of payee or transaction description
Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` // Extra information (not in NAME)
ImageData []ImageData `xml:"IMAGEDATA,omitempty"`
Currency String `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
OrigCurrency String `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
// List of pending transactions
type PendingTransactionList struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKTRANLISTP"`
DtAsOf Date `xml:"DTASOF"`
Transactions []PendingTransaction `xml:"STMTTRNP,omitempty"`
type Balance struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BAL"`
Name String `xml:"NAME"`
Desc String `xml:"DESC"`
// Balance type:
// DOLLAR = dollar (value formatted DDDD.cc)
// PERCENT = percentage (value formatted XXXX.YYYY)
// NUMBER = number (value formatted as is)
BalType String `xml:"BALTYPE"`
Value Amount `xml:"VALUE"`
DtAsOf Date `xml:"DTASOF,omitempty"`
Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // if BALTYPE is DOLLAR
type StatementResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNRS"`
CurDef String `xml:"STMTRS>CURDEF"`
BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"STMTRS>BANKACCTFROM"`
BankTranList TransactionList `xml:"STMTRS>BANKTRANLIST,omitempty"`
BankTranListP PendingTransactionList `xml:"STMTRS>BANKTRANLISTP,omitempty"`
AvailBalAmt Amount `xml:"STMTRS>AVAILBAL>BALAMT,omitempty"`
AvailDtAsOf Date `xml:"STMTRS>AVAILBAL>DTASOF,omitempty"`
CashAdvBalAmt Amount `xml:"STMTRS>CASHADVBALAMT,omitempty"` // Only for CREDITLINE accounts, available balance for cash advances
IntRate Amount `xml:"STMTRS>INTRATE,omitempty"` // Current interest rate
BalList []Balance `xml:"STMTRS>BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"`
MktgInfo String `xml:"STMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information
func (sr StatementResponse) Name() string {
return "STMTTRNRS"
func (sr StatementResponse) Valid() (bool, error) {
//TODO implement
return true, nil
func DecodeBankingMessageSet(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) ([]Message, error) {
var msgs []Message
for {
tok, err := nextNonWhitespaceToken(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if end, ok := tok.(xml.EndElement); ok && end.Name.Local == start.Name.Local {
// If we found the end of our starting element, we're done parsing
return msgs, nil
} else if startElement, ok := tok.(xml.StartElement); ok {
switch startElement.Name.Local {
var info StatementResponse
if err := d.DecodeElement(&info, &startElement); err != nil {
return nil, err
msgs = append(msgs, Message(info))
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported banking response tag: " + startElement.Name.Local)
} else {
return nil, errors.New("Didn't find an opening element")