package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "" "math/big" "os" "time" ) var invTransactionsCommand = Command{ Name: "transactions-inv", Description: "Print investment transactions", Flags: flag.NewFlagSet("transactions-inv", flag.ExitOnError), CheckFlags: checkServerFlags, Do: invTransactions, } func init() { defineServerFlags(invTransactionsCommand.Flags) invTransactionsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&acctId, "acctid", "", "AcctId (from `get-accounts` subcommand)") invTransactionsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&brokerId, "brokerid", "", "BrokerId (from `get-accounts` subcommand)") } func invTransactions() { client, query := NewRequest() uid, err := ofxgo.RandomUID() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error creating uid for transaction:", err) os.Exit(1) } statementRequest := ofxgo.InvStatementRequest{ TrnUID: *uid, InvAcctFrom: ofxgo.InvAcct{ BrokerId: ofxgo.String(brokerId), AcctId: ofxgo.String(acctId), }, DtStart: ofxgo.Date(time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0)), // a year ago DtEnd: ofxgo.Date(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1)), // Some FIs (*cough* Fidelity) return errors if DTEND is the current day Include: true, IncludeOO: true, PosDtAsOf: ofxgo.Date(time.Now()), IncludePos: true, IncludeBalance: true, Include401K: true, Include401KBal: true, } query.Investments = append(query.Investments, &statementRequest) response, err := client.Request(query) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error requesting account statement:", err) os.Exit(1) } if response.Signon.Status.Code != 0 { meaning, _ := response.Signon.Status.CodeMeaning() fmt.Printf("Nonzero signon status (%d: %s) with message: %s\n", response.Signon.Status.Code, meaning, response.Signon.Status.Message) os.Exit(1) } if len(response.Investments) < 1 { fmt.Println("No investment messages received") return } if stmt, ok := response.Investments[0].(ofxgo.InvStatementResponse); ok { availCash := big.Rat(stmt.InvBal.AvailCash) if availCash.IsInt() && availCash.Num().Int64() != 0 { fmt.Printf("Balance: %s %s (as of %s)\n", stmt.InvBal.AvailCash, stmt.CurDef, stmt.DtAsOf) } for _, banktrans := range stmt.InvTranList.BankTransactions { fmt.Printf("\nBank Transactions for %s subaccount:\n", banktrans.SubAcctFund) for _, tran := range banktrans.Transactions { printTransaction(stmt.CurDef, &tran) } } fmt.Printf("\nInvestment Transactions:\n") for _, t := range stmt.InvTranList.InvTransactions { fmt.Printf("%-14s", t.TransactionType()) switch tran := t.(type) { case ofxgo.BuyDebt: printInvBuy(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvBuy) case ofxgo.BuyMF: printInvBuy(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvBuy) case ofxgo.BuyOpt: printInvBuy(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvBuy) case ofxgo.BuyOther: printInvBuy(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvBuy) case ofxgo.BuyStock: printInvBuy(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvBuy) case ofxgo.ClosureOpt: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) fmt.Println("%s %s contracts (%s shares each)\n", tran.OptAction, tran.Units, tran, tran.ShPerCtrct) case ofxgo.Income: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) currency := stmt.CurDef if len(tran.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } else if len(tran.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s %s %s (%s %s)\n", tran.IncomeType, tran.Total, currency, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP case ofxgo.InvExpense: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) currency := stmt.CurDef if len(tran.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } else if len(tran.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s %s (%s %s)\n", tran.Total, currency, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP case ofxgo.JrnlFund: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) fmt.Printf(" %s %s (%s -> %s)\n", tran.Total, stmt.CurDef, tran.SubAcctFrom, tran.SubAcctTo) case ofxgo.JrnlSec: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) fmt.Printf(" %s %s %s (%s -> %s)\n", tran.Units, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId, tran.SubAcctFrom, tran.SubAcctTo) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP case ofxgo.MarginInterest: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) currency := stmt.CurDef if len(tran.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } else if len(tran.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s %s\n", tran.Total, currency) case ofxgo.Reinvest: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) currency := stmt.CurDef if len(tran.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } else if len(tran.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s (%s %s)@%s %s (Total: %s)\n", tran.Units, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId, tran.UnitPrice, currency, tran.Total) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP case ofxgo.RetOfCap: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) currency := stmt.CurDef if len(tran.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } else if len(tran.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s %s (%s %s)\n", tran.Total, currency, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP case ofxgo.SellDebt: printInvSell(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvSell) case ofxgo.SellMF: printInvSell(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvSell) case ofxgo.SellOpt: printInvSell(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvSell) case ofxgo.SellOther: printInvSell(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvSell) case ofxgo.SellStock: printInvSell(stmt.CurDef, &tran.InvSell) case ofxgo.Split: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) currency := stmt.CurDef if len(tran.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } else if len(tran.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = tran.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s/%s %s -> %s shares of %s %s (%s %s for fractional shares)\n", tran.Numerator, tran.Denominator, tran.OldUnits, tran.NewUnits, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId, tran.FracCash, currency) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP case ofxgo.Transfer: printInvTran(&tran.InvTran) fmt.Printf(" %s (%s %s) %s\n", tran.Units, tran.SecId.UniqueIdType, tran.SecId.UniqueId, tran.TferAction) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP } } } } func printInvTran(it *ofxgo.InvTran) { fmt.Printf("%s", it.DtTrade) } func printInvBuy(defCurrency ofxgo.String, ib *ofxgo.InvBuy) { printInvTran(&ib.InvTran) currency := defCurrency if len(ib.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = ib.Currency.CurSym } else if len(ib.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = ib.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf("%s (%s %s)@%s %s (Total: %s)\n", ib.Units, ib.SecId.UniqueIdType, ib.SecId.UniqueId, ib.UnitPrice, currency, ib.Total) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP } func printInvSell(defCurrency ofxgo.String, is *ofxgo.InvSell) { printInvTran(&is.InvTran) currency := defCurrency if len(is.Currency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = is.Currency.CurSym } else if len(is.OrigCurrency.CurSym) > 0 { currency = is.Currency.CurSym } fmt.Printf(" %s (%s %s)@%s %s (Total: %s)\n", is.Units, is.SecId.UniqueIdType, is.SecId.UniqueId, is.UnitPrice, currency, is.Total) // TODO print ticker instead of CUSIP }