package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "" ) type command struct { Name string Description string Flags *flag.FlagSet CheckFlags func() bool // Check the flag values after they're parsed, printing errors and returning false if they're incorrect Do func() // Run the command (only called if CheckFlags returns true) } func (c *command) usage() { fmt.Printf("Usage of %s:\n", c.Name) c.Flags.PrintDefaults() } // flags common to all server transactions var serverURL, username, password, org, fid, appID, appVer, ofxVersion, clientUID string var noIndentRequests bool var carriageReturn bool var dryrun bool var userAgent string func defineServerFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) { f.StringVar(&serverURL, "url", "", "Financial institution's OFX Server URL (see if you don't know it)") f.StringVar(&username, "username", "", "Your username at financial institution") f.StringVar(&password, "password", "", "Your password at financial institution") f.StringVar(&org, "org", "", "'ORG' for your financial institution") f.StringVar(&fid, "fid", "", "'FID' for your financial institution") f.StringVar(&appID, "appid", "QWIN", "'APPID' to pretend to be") f.StringVar(&appVer, "appver", "2400", "'APPVER' to pretend to be") f.StringVar(&ofxVersion, "ofxversion", "203", "OFX version to use") f.StringVar(&clientUID, "clientuid", "", "Client UID (only required by a few FIs, like Chase)") f.BoolVar(&noIndentRequests, "noindent", false, "Don't indent OFX requests") f.BoolVar(&carriageReturn, "carriagereturn", false, "Use carriage return as line separator") f.StringVar(&userAgent, "useragent", "", "Use string as User-Agent header when sending request") f.BoolVar(&dryrun, "dryrun", false, "Don't send request - print content of request instead") } func checkServerFlags() bool { var ret bool = true if len(serverURL) == 0 { fmt.Println("Error: Server URL empty") ret = false } if len(username) == 0 { fmt.Println("Error: Username empty") ret = false } if ret && len(password) == 0 { fmt.Printf("Password for %s: ", username) pass, err := gopass.GetPasswd() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error reading password: %s\n", err) ret = false } else { password = string(pass) } } return ret }