package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "" "os" "time" ) var detectSettingsCommand = Command{ Name: "detect-settings", Description: "Attempt to guess client settings needed for a particular financial institution", Flags: flag.NewFlagSet("detect-settings", flag.ExitOnError), CheckFlags: checkServerFlags, Do: detectSettings, } var delay uint64 func init() { detectSettingsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&serverURL, "url", "", "Financial institution's OFX Server URL (see if you don't know it)") detectSettingsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&username, "username", "", "Your username at financial institution") detectSettingsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&password, "password", "", "Your password at financial institution") detectSettingsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&org, "org", "", "'ORG' for your financial institution") detectSettingsCommand.Flags.StringVar(&fid, "fid", "", "'FID' for your financial institution") detectSettingsCommand.Flags.Uint64Var(&delay, "delay", 500, "How long to delay between two subsequent requests, in milliseconds") } // We keep a separate list of APPIDs to preserve the ordering (ordering isn't // guaranteed in maps). We want to try them in order from 'best' and most // likely to work to 'worse' and least likely to work var appIds = []string{ "OFXGO", // ofxgo (this library) "QWIN", // Intuit Quicken Windows "QMOFX", // Intuit Quicken Mac "QB", // Intuit QuickBooks Windows "Money", // Microsoft Money 2007 } var appVersions = map[string][]string{ "OFXGO": { // ofxgo (this library) "0001", }, "QWIN": { // Intuit Quicken Windows "2400", // 2015 "2300", // 2014 "2200", // 2013 "2100", // 2012 "2000", // 2011 "1900", // 2010 "1800", // 2009 "1700", // 2008 "1600", // 2007 "1500", // 2006 "1400", // 2005 }, "QMOFX": { // Intuit Quicken Mac "1700", // 2008 "1600", // 2007 "1500", // 2006 "1400", // 2005 }, "QB": { // Intuit QuickBooks Windows "1800", // 2008 "1700", // 2007 "1600", // 2006 "1500", // 2005 }, "Money": { // Microsoft Money 2007 "1600", // 2007 "1500", // 2006 "1400", // 2005 "1200", // 2004 "1100", // 2003 }, } var versions = []string{ "203", "103", "200", "201", "202", "210", "211", "102", "151", "160", "220", } func detectSettings() { var attempts uint for _, appId := range appIds { for _, appVer := range appVersions[appId] { for _, version := range versions { for _, noIndent := range []bool{false, true} { if tryProfile(appId, appVer, version, noIndent) { fmt.Println("The following settings were found to work:") fmt.Printf("AppId: %s\n", appId) fmt.Printf("AppVer: %s\n", appVer) fmt.Printf("OFX Version: %s\n", version) fmt.Printf("noindent: %t\n", noIndent) os.Exit(0) } else { attempts += 1 var noIndentString string if noIndent { noIndentString = " noindent" } fmt.Printf("Attempt %d failed (%s %s %s%s), trying again after %dms...\n", attempts, appId, appVer, version, noIndentString, delay) time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond) } } } } } } const anonymous = "anonymous00000000000000000000000" func tryProfile(appId, appVer, version string, noindent bool) bool { var client = ofxgo.Client{ AppId: appId, AppVer: appVer, SpecVersion: version, NoIndent: noindent, } var query ofxgo.Request query.URL = serverURL query.Signon.ClientUID = ofxgo.UID(clientUID) query.Signon.UserId = ofxgo.String(username) query.Signon.UserPass = ofxgo.String(password) query.Signon.Org = ofxgo.String(org) query.Signon.Fid = ofxgo.String(fid) uid, err := ofxgo.RandomUID() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error creating uid for transaction:", err) os.Exit(1) } profileRequest := ofxgo.ProfileRequest{ TrnUID: *uid, DtProfUp: ofxgo.Date{Time: time.Unix(0, 0)}, } query.Prof = append(query.Prof, &profileRequest) _, err = client.Request(&query) if err == nil { return true } // try again with anonymous logins query.Signon.UserId = ofxgo.String(anonymous) query.Signon.UserPass = ofxgo.String(anonymous) _, err = client.Request(&query) return err == nil }