package ofxgo import ( "errors" "" ) type StatementRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"STMTRQ>BANKACCTFROM"` DtStart *Date `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTSTART,omitempty"` DtEnd *Date `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTEND,omitempty"` Include Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>INCLUDE"` // Include transactions (instead of just balance) IncludePending Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCLUDEPENDING,omitempty"` // Include pending transactions IncTranImg Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRANIMG,omitempty"` // Include transaction images } func (r *StatementRequest) Name() string { return "STMTTRNRQ" } func (r *StatementRequest) Valid() (bool, error) { // TODO implement return true, nil } type Payee struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PAYEE"` Name String `xml:"NAME"` Addr1 String `xml:"ADDR1"` Addr2 String `xml:"ADDR2,omitempty"` Addr3 String `xml:"ADDR3,omitempty"` City String `xml:"CITY"` State String `xml:"STATE"` PostalCode String `xml:"POSTALCODE"` Country String `xml:"COUNTRY,omitempty"` Phone String `xml:"PHONE"` } type ImageData struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"IMAGEDATA"` ImageType String `xml:"IMAGETYPE"` // One of STATEMENT, TRANSACTION, TAX ImageRef String `xml:"IMAGEREF"` // URL or identifier, depending on IMAGEREFTYPE ImageRefType String `xml:"IMAGEREFTYPE"` // One of OPAQUE, URL, FORMURL (see spec for more details on how to access images of each of these types) // Only one of the next two should be valid at any given time ImageDelay Int `xml:"IMAGEDELAY,omitempty"` // Number of calendar days from DTSERVER (for statement images) or DTPOSTED (for transaction image) the image will become available DtImageAvail *Date `xml:"DTIMAGEAVAIL,omitempty"` // Date image will become available ImageTTL Int `xml:"IMAGETTL,omitempty"` // Number of days after image becomes available that it will remain available CheckSup String `xml:"CHECKSUP,omitempty"` // What is contained in check images. One of FRONTONLY, BACKONLY, FRONTANDBACK } type Transaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRN"` TrnType String `xml:"TRNTYPE"` // One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, OTHER DtPosted Date `xml:"DTPOSTED"` DtUser *Date `xml:"DTUSER,omitempty"` DtAvail *Date `xml:"DTAVAIL,omitempty"` TrnAmt Amount `xml:"TRNAMT"` FiTId String `xml:"FITID"` CorrectFiTId String `xml:"CORRECTFITID,omitempty"` // Transaction Id that this transaction corrects, if present CorrectAction String `xml:"CORRECTACTION,omitempty"` // One of DELETE, REPLACE SrvrTId String `xml:"SRVRTID,omitempty"` CheckNum String `xml:"CHECKNUM,omitempty"` RefNum String `xml:"REFNUM,omitempty"` SIC Int `xml:"SIC,omitempty"` // Standard Industrial Code PayeeId String `xml:"PAYEEID,omitempty"` // Note: Servers should provide NAME or PAYEE, but not both Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"` Payee *Payee `xml:"PAYEE,omitempty"` ExtdName String `xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"` // Extended name of payee or transaction description BankAcctTo *BankAcct `xml:"BANKACCTTO,omitempty"` // If the transfer was to a bank account we have the account information for CCAcctTo *CCAcct `xml:"CCACCTTO,omitempty"` // If the transfer was to a credit card account we have the account information for Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` // Extra information (not in NAME) ImageData []ImageData `xml:"IMAGEDATA,omitempty"` Currency String `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS OrigCurrency String `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS Inv401kSource String `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST (Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST.) } type TransactionList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKTRANLIST"` DtStart Date `xml:"DTSTART"` DtEnd Date `xml:"DTEND"` Transactions []Transaction `xml:"STMTTRN,omitempty"` } type PendingTransaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRN"` TrnType String `xml:"TRNTYPE"` // One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, HOLD, OTHER DtTran Date `xml:"DTTRAN"` DtExpire *Date `xml:"DTEXPIRE,omitempty"` // only valid for TrnType==HOLD, the date the hold will expire TrnAmt Amount `xml:"TRNAMT"` RefNum String `xml:"REFNUM,omitempty"` Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"` ExtdName String `xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"` // Extended name of payee or transaction description Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` // Extra information (not in NAME) ImageData []ImageData `xml:"IMAGEDATA,omitempty"` Currency String `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS OrigCurrency String `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS } // List of pending transactions type PendingTransactionList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKTRANLISTP"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"DTASOF"` Transactions []PendingTransaction `xml:"STMTTRNP,omitempty"` } type Balance struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BAL"` Name String `xml:"NAME"` Desc String `xml:"DESC"` // Balance type: // DOLLAR = dollar (value formatted // PERCENT = percentage (value formatted XXXX.YYYY) // NUMBER = number (value formatted as is) BalType String `xml:"BALTYPE"` Value Amount `xml:"VALUE"` DtAsOf *Date `xml:"DTASOF,omitempty"` Currency *Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // if BALTYPE is DOLLAR } type StatementResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CurDef String `xml:"STMTRS>CURDEF"` BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"STMTRS>BANKACCTFROM"` BankTranList *TransactionList `xml:"STMTRS>BANKTRANLIST,omitempty"` BankTranListP *PendingTransactionList `xml:"STMTRS>BANKTRANLISTP,omitempty"` BalAmt Amount `xml:"STMTRS>LEDGERBAL>BALAMT"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"STMTRS>LEDGERBAL>DTASOF"` AvailBalAmt *Amount `xml:"STMTRS>AVAILBAL>BALAMT,omitempty"` AvailDtAsOf *Date `xml:"STMTRS>AVAILBAL>DTASOF,omitempty"` CashAdvBalAmt *Amount `xml:"STMTRS>CASHADVBALAMT,omitempty"` // Only for CREDITLINE accounts, available balance for cash advances IntRate *Amount `xml:"STMTRS>INTRATE,omitempty"` // Current interest rate BalList []Balance `xml:"STMTRS>BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"` MktgInfo String `xml:"STMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information } func (sr StatementResponse) Name() string { return "STMTTRNRS" } func (sr StatementResponse) Valid() (bool, error) { //TODO implement return true, nil } func decodeBankingMessageSet(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) ([]Message, error) { var msgs []Message for { tok, err := nextNonWhitespaceToken(d) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if end, ok := tok.(xml.EndElement); ok && end.Name.Local == start.Name.Local { // If we found the end of our starting element, we're done parsing return msgs, nil } else if startElement, ok := tok.(xml.StartElement); ok { switch startElement.Name.Local { case "STMTTRNRS": var info StatementResponse if err := d.DecodeElement(&info, &startElement); err != nil { return nil, err } msgs = append(msgs, Message(info)) default: return nil, errors.New("Unsupported banking response tag: " + startElement.Name.Local) } } else { return nil, errors.New("Didn't find an opening element") } } }