#!/usr/bin/env python enums = { # Bank/general "AcctType": (["Checking", "Savings", "MoneyMrkt", "CreditLine", "CD"], "types of bank accounts"), "TrnType": (["Credit", "Debit", "Int", "Div", "Fee", "SrvChg", "Dep", "ATM", "POS", "Xfer", "Check", "Payment", "Cash", "DirectDep", "DirectDebit", "RepeatPmt", "Hold", "Other"], "types of transactions. INT, ATM, and POS depend on the signage of the account."), "ImageType": (["Statement", "Transaction", "Tax"], "what this image contains"), "ImageRefType": (["Opaque", "URL", "FormURL"], "the type of reference to the image"), "CheckSup": (["FrontOnly", "BackOnly", "FrontAndBack"], "what portions of the check this image contains"), "CorrectAction": (["Delete", "Replace"], "whether this transaction correction replaces or deletes the transaction matching its CORRECTFITID"), "BalType": (["Dollar", "Percent", "Number"], "how this BAL's VALUE field should be interpreted"), # InvStmt "Inv401kSource": (["PreTax", "AfterTax", "Match", "ProfitSharing", "Rollover", "OtherVest", "OtherNonVest"], "the source of money used for this security in a 401(k) account. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST."), "SubAcctType": (["Cash", "Margin", "Short", "Other"], "the sub-account type for a source and/or destination of a transaction. Used in fields named SubAcctFrom, SubAcctTo, SubAcctSec, SubAcctFund, HeldInAcct."), "BuyType": (["Buy", "BuyToCover"], "types of purchases"), "OptAction": (["Exercise", "Assign", "Expire"], "types of actions for options"), "TferAction": (["In", "Out"], "whether the transfer is into or out of this account"), "PosType": (["Long", "Short"], "position type"), "Secured": (["Naked", "Covered"], "how an option is secured"), "Duration": (["Day", "GoodTilCancel", "Immediate"], "how long the investment order is good for"), "Restriction": (["AllOrNone", "MinUnits", "None"], "a special restriction on an investment order"), "UnitType": (["Shares", "Currency"], "type of the UNITS value"), "OptBuyType": (["BuyToOpen", "BuyToClose"], "types of purchases for options"), "SellType": (["Sell", "SellShort"], "types of sales"), "LoanPmtFreq": (["Weekly", "Biweekly", "TwiceMonthly", "Monthly", "FourWeeks", "BiMonthly", "Quarterly", "Semiannually", "Annually", "Other"], "the frequency of loan payments"), "IncomeType": (["CGLong", "CGShort", "Div", "Interest", "Misc"], "types of investment income"), "SellReason": (["Call", "Sell", "Maturity"], "the reason the sell of a debt security was generated: CALL (the debt was called), SELL (the debt was sold), MATURITY (the debt reached maturity)"), "OptSellType": (["SellToClose", "SellToOpen"], "types of sales for options"), "RelType": (["Spread", "Straddle", "None", "Other"], "related option transaction types"), # Prof "CharType": (["AlphaOnly", "NumericOnly", "AlphaOrNumeric", "AlphaAndNumeric"], "types of characters allowed in password"), "SyncMode": (["Full", "Lite"], "data synchronization mode supported (see OFX spec for more details)"), "OfxSec": (["None", "Type 1"], "the type of application-level security required for the message set"), # SecList "DebtType": (["Coupon", "Zero"], "debt type"), "DebtClass": (["Treasury", "Municipal", "Corporate", "Other"], "the class of debt"), "CouponFreq": (["Monthly", "Quarterly", "Semiannual", "Annual", "Other"], "when debt coupons mature"), "CallType": (["Call", "Put", "Prefund", "Maturity"], "type of next call (for a debt)"), "AssetClass": (["DomesticBond", "IntlBond", "LargeStock", "SmallStock", "IntlStock", "MoneyMrkt", "Other"], "type of asset classes"), "MfType": (["OpenEnd", "CloseEnd", "Other"], "types of mutual funds"), "OptType": (["Put", "Call"], "whether the option is a PUT or a CALL"), "StockType": (["Common", "Preferred", "Convertible", "Other"], "types of stock"), # Signup "HolderType": (["Individual", "Joint", "Custodial", "Trust", "Other"], "how the account is held"), "AcctClassification": (["Personal", "Business", "Corporate", "Other"], "the type of an account"), "SvcStatus": (["Avail", "Pend", "Active"], "the status of the account: AVAIL = Available, but not yet requested, PEND = Requested, but not yet available, ACTIVE = In use"), "UsProductType": (["401K", "403B", "IRA", "KEOGH", "Other", "SARSEP", "Simple", "Normal", "TDA", "Trust", "UGMA"], "type of investment account (in the US)"), } header = """package ofxgo /* * Do not edit this file by hand. It is auto-generated by calling `go generate`. * To make changes, edit generate_constants.py, re-run `go generate`, and check * in the result. */ import ( "errors" "fmt" "github.com/aclindsa/go/src/encoding/xml" "strings" ) """ template = """ type {enumLower} uint // {enum}* constants represent {comment} const ( {constNames}) var {enumLower}s = [...]string{{"{upperValueString}"}} func (e {enumLower}) Valid() bool {{ // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= {firstValue} && e <= {lastValue} }} func (e {enumLower}) String() string {{ if e.Valid() {{ return {enumLower}s[e-1] }} return fmt.Sprintf("invalid {enumLower} (%d)", e) }} func (e *{enumLower}) FromString(in string) error {{ value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range {enumLower}s {{ if s == value {{ *e = {enumLower}(i + 1) return nil }} }} *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid {enum}: \\\"" + in + "\\\"") }} func (e *{enumLower}) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {{ var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil {{ return err }} return e.FromString(value) }} func (e *{enumLower}) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {{ if !e.Valid() {{ return nil }} enc.EncodeElement({enumLower}s[*e-1], start) return nil }} // New{enum} returns returns an 'enum' value of type {enumLower} given its // string representation func New{enum}(s string) ({enumLower}, error) {{ var e {enumLower} err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil {{ return 0, err }} return e, nil }} """ with open("constants.go", 'w') as f: f.write(header) for enum in enums: enumLower = enum[:1].lower() + enum[1:].replace(" ", "") firstValue = enum+enums[enum][0][0].replace(" ", "") lastValue = enum+enums[enum][0][-1].replace(" ", "") comment = enums[enum][1] constNames = "\t{firstValue} {enumLower} = 1 + iota\n".format( enum=enum, firstValue=firstValue, enumLower=enumLower) for value in enums[enum][0][1:]: constNames += "\t{enum}{value}\n".format( enum=enum, value=value.replace(" ", "")) upperValueString = "\", \"".join([s.upper() for s in enums[enum][0]]) f.write(template.format(enum=enum, enumLower=enumLower, comment=comment, firstValue=firstValue, lastValue=lastValue, constNames=constNames, upperValueString=upperValueString)) test_header = """package ofxgo_test /* * Do not edit this file by hand. It is auto-generated by calling `go generate`. * To make changes, edit generate_constants.py, re-run `go generate`, and check * in the result. */ import ( "github.com/aclindsa/go/src/encoding/xml" "github.com/aclindsa/ofxgo" "strings" "testing" ) """ test_template = """ func Test{enum}(t *testing.T) {{ e, err := ofxgo.New{enum}("{firstValueUpper}") if err != nil {{ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error creating new {enum} from string \\\"{firstValueUpper}\\\"\\n") }} if !e.Valid() {{ t.Fatalf("{enum} unexpectedly invalid\\n") }} err = e.FromString("{lastValueUpper}") if err != nil {{ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error on {enum}.FromString(\\\"{lastValueUpper}\\\")\\n") }} if e.String() != "{lastValueUpper}" {{ t.Fatalf("{enum}.String() expected to be \\\"{lastValueUpper}\\\"\\n") }} marshalHelper(t, "{lastValueUpper}", &e) overwritten, err := ofxgo.New{enum}("THISWILLNEVERBEAVALIDENUMSTRING") if err == nil {{ t.Fatalf("Expected error creating new {enum} from string \\\"THISWILLNEVERBEAVALIDENUMSTRING\\\"\\n") }} if overwritten.Valid() {{ t.Fatalf("{enum} created with string \\\"THISWILLNEVERBEAVALIDENUMSTRING\\\" should not be valid\\n") }} if !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(overwritten.String()), "invalid") {{ t.Fatalf("{enum} created with string \\\"THISWILLNEVERBEAVALIDENUMSTRING\\\" should not return valid string from String()\\n") }} b, err := xml.Marshal(&overwritten) if err != nil {{ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error on xml.Marshal({enum}): %s\\n", err) }} if string(b) != "" {{ t.Fatalf("Expected empty string, got '%s'\\n", string(b)) }} unmarshalHelper(t, "{lastValueUpper}", &e, &overwritten) err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(""), &overwritten) if err == nil {{ t.Fatalf("Expected error unmarshalling garbage value\\n") }} }} """ with open("constants_test.go", 'w') as f: f.write(test_header) for enum in enums: firstValueUpper = enums[enum][0][0].upper() lastValueUpper = enums[enum][0][-1].upper() f.write(test_template.format(enum=enum, firstValueUpper=firstValueUpper, lastValueUpper=lastValueUpper))