package ofxgo import ( "" ) // CCStatementRequest represents a request for a credit card statement. It is // used to request balances and/or transactions. See StatementRequest for the // analog for all other bank accounts. type CCStatementRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CCSTMTTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // TODO OFXEXTENSION CCAcctFrom CCAcct `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>CCACCTFROM"` DtStart *Date `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTSTART,omitempty"` DtEnd *Date `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTEND,omitempty"` Include Boolean `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>INCLUDE"` // Include transactions (instead of just balance) IncludePending Boolean `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCLUDEPENDING,omitempty"` // Include pending transactions IncTranImg Boolean `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRANIMG,omitempty"` // Include transaction images } // Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element func (r *CCStatementRequest) Name() string { return "CCSTMTTRNRQ" } // Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled // into XML/SGML func (r *CCStatementRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error) { if ok, err := r.TrnUID.Valid(); !ok { return false, err } // TODO implement return true, nil } // Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request // element of type []Message it should appended to) func (r *CCStatementRequest) Type() messageType { return CreditCardRq } // CCStatementResponse represents a credit card statement, including its // balances and possibly transactions. It is a response to CCStatementRequest, // or sometimes provided as part of an OFX file downloaded manually from an FI. type CCStatementResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CCSTMTTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` CurDef CurrSymbol `xml:"CCSTMTRS>CURDEF"` CCAcctFrom CCAcct `xml:"CCSTMTRS>CCACCTFROM"` BankTranList *TransactionList `xml:"CCSTMTRS>BANKTRANLIST,omitempty"` //BANKTRANLISTP BalAmt Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>LEDGERBAL>BALAMT"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"CCSTMTRS>LEDGERBAL>DTASOF"` AvailBalAmt *Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>AVAILBAL>BALAMT,omitempty"` AvailDtAsOf *Date `xml:"CCSTMTRS>AVAILBAL>DTASOF,omitempty"` CashAdvBalAmt Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>CASHADVBALAMT,omitempty"` // Only for CREDITLINE accounts, available balance for cash advances IntRatePurch Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>INTRATEPURCH,omitempty"` // Current interest rate for purchases IntRateCash Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>INTRATECASH,omitempty"` // Current interest rate for cash advances IntRateXfer Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>INTRATEXFER,omitempty"` // Current interest rate for cash advances RewardName String `xml:"CCSTMTRS>REWARDINFO>NAME,omitempty"` // Name of the reward program referred to by the next two elements RewardBal Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>REWARDINFO>REWARDBAL,omitempty"` // Current balance of the reward program RewardEarned Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>REWARDINFO>REWARDEARNED,omitempty"` // Reward amount earned YTD BalList []Balance `xml:"CCSTMTRS>BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"` MktgInfo String `xml:"CCSTMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information } // Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element func (sr *CCStatementResponse) Name() string { return "CCSTMTTRNRS" } // Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled func (sr *CCStatementResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error) { if ok, err := sr.TrnUID.Valid(); !ok { return false, err } //TODO implement return true, nil } // Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response // element of type []Message it belongs to) func (sr *CCStatementResponse) Type() messageType { return CreditCardRs }