package ofxgo /* * Do not edit this file by hand. It is auto-generated by calling `go generate`. * To make changes, edit, re-run `go generate`, and check * in the result. */ import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "strings" ) type ofxVersion uint // OfxVersion* constants represent the OFX specification version in use const ( OfxVersion102 ofxVersion = 1 + iota OfxVersion103 OfxVersion151 OfxVersion160 OfxVersion200 OfxVersion201 OfxVersion202 OfxVersion203 OfxVersion210 OfxVersion211 OfxVersion220 ) var ofxVersions = [...]string{"102", "103", "151", "160", "200", "201", "202", "203", "210", "211", "220"} func (e ofxVersion) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= OfxVersion102 && e <= OfxVersion220 } func (e ofxVersion) String() string { if e.Valid() { return ofxVersions[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid ofxVersion (%d)", e) } func (e *ofxVersion) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range ofxVersions { if s == value { *e = ofxVersion(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid OfxVersion: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *ofxVersion) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *ofxVersion) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(ofxVersions[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewOfxVersion returns returns an 'enum' value of type ofxVersion given its // string representation func NewOfxVersion(s string) (ofxVersion, error) { var e ofxVersion err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type acctType uint // AcctType* constants represent types of bank accounts const ( AcctTypeChecking acctType = 1 + iota AcctTypeSavings AcctTypeMoneyMrkt AcctTypeCreditLine AcctTypeCD ) var acctTypes = [...]string{"CHECKING", "SAVINGS", "MONEYMRKT", "CREDITLINE", "CD"} func (e acctType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= AcctTypeChecking && e <= AcctTypeCD } func (e acctType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return acctTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid acctType (%d)", e) } func (e *acctType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range acctTypes { if s == value { *e = acctType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid AcctType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *acctType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *acctType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(acctTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewAcctType returns returns an 'enum' value of type acctType given its // string representation func NewAcctType(s string) (acctType, error) { var e acctType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type trnType uint // TrnType* constants represent types of transactions. INT, ATM, and POS depend on the signage of the account. const ( TrnTypeCredit trnType = 1 + iota TrnTypeDebit TrnTypeInt TrnTypeDiv TrnTypeFee TrnTypeSrvChg TrnTypeDep TrnTypeATM TrnTypePOS TrnTypeXfer TrnTypeCheck TrnTypePayment TrnTypeCash TrnTypeDirectDep TrnTypeDirectDebit TrnTypeRepeatPmt TrnTypeHold TrnTypeOther ) var trnTypes = [...]string{"CREDIT", "DEBIT", "INT", "DIV", "FEE", "SRVCHG", "DEP", "ATM", "POS", "XFER", "CHECK", "PAYMENT", "CASH", "DIRECTDEP", "DIRECTDEBIT", "REPEATPMT", "HOLD", "OTHER"} func (e trnType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= TrnTypeCredit && e <= TrnTypeOther } func (e trnType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return trnTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid trnType (%d)", e) } func (e *trnType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range trnTypes { if s == value { *e = trnType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid TrnType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *trnType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *trnType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(trnTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewTrnType returns returns an 'enum' value of type trnType given its // string representation func NewTrnType(s string) (trnType, error) { var e trnType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type imageType uint // ImageType* constants represent what this image contains const ( ImageTypeStatement imageType = 1 + iota ImageTypeTransaction ImageTypeTax ) var imageTypes = [...]string{"STATEMENT", "TRANSACTION", "TAX"} func (e imageType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= ImageTypeStatement && e <= ImageTypeTax } func (e imageType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return imageTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid imageType (%d)", e) } func (e *imageType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range imageTypes { if s == value { *e = imageType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid ImageType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *imageType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *imageType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(imageTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewImageType returns returns an 'enum' value of type imageType given its // string representation func NewImageType(s string) (imageType, error) { var e imageType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type imageRefType uint // ImageRefType* constants represent the type of reference to the image const ( ImageRefTypeOpaque imageRefType = 1 + iota ImageRefTypeURL ImageRefTypeFormURL ) var imageRefTypes = [...]string{"OPAQUE", "URL", "FORMURL"} func (e imageRefType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= ImageRefTypeOpaque && e <= ImageRefTypeFormURL } func (e imageRefType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return imageRefTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid imageRefType (%d)", e) } func (e *imageRefType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range imageRefTypes { if s == value { *e = imageRefType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid ImageRefType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *imageRefType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *imageRefType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(imageRefTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewImageRefType returns returns an 'enum' value of type imageRefType given its // string representation func NewImageRefType(s string) (imageRefType, error) { var e imageRefType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type checkSup uint // CheckSup* constants represent what portions of the check this image contains const ( CheckSupFrontOnly checkSup = 1 + iota CheckSupBackOnly CheckSupFrontAndBack ) var checkSups = [...]string{"FRONTONLY", "BACKONLY", "FRONTANDBACK"} func (e checkSup) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= CheckSupFrontOnly && e <= CheckSupFrontAndBack } func (e checkSup) String() string { if e.Valid() { return checkSups[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid checkSup (%d)", e) } func (e *checkSup) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range checkSups { if s == value { *e = checkSup(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid CheckSup: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *checkSup) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *checkSup) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(checkSups[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewCheckSup returns returns an 'enum' value of type checkSup given its // string representation func NewCheckSup(s string) (checkSup, error) { var e checkSup err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type correctAction uint // CorrectAction* constants represent whether this transaction correction replaces or deletes the transaction matching its CORRECTFITID const ( CorrectActionDelete correctAction = 1 + iota CorrectActionReplace ) var correctActions = [...]string{"DELETE", "REPLACE"} func (e correctAction) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= CorrectActionDelete && e <= CorrectActionReplace } func (e correctAction) String() string { if e.Valid() { return correctActions[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid correctAction (%d)", e) } func (e *correctAction) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range correctActions { if s == value { *e = correctAction(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid CorrectAction: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *correctAction) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *correctAction) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(correctActions[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewCorrectAction returns returns an 'enum' value of type correctAction given its // string representation func NewCorrectAction(s string) (correctAction, error) { var e correctAction err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type balType uint // BalType* constants represent how this BAL's VALUE field should be interpreted const ( BalTypeDollar balType = 1 + iota BalTypePercent BalTypeNumber ) var balTypes = [...]string{"DOLLAR", "PERCENT", "NUMBER"} func (e balType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= BalTypeDollar && e <= BalTypeNumber } func (e balType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return balTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid balType (%d)", e) } func (e *balType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range balTypes { if s == value { *e = balType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid BalType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *balType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *balType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(balTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewBalType returns returns an 'enum' value of type balType given its // string representation func NewBalType(s string) (balType, error) { var e balType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type inv401kSource uint // Inv401kSource* constants represent the source of money used for this security in a 401(k) account. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST. const ( Inv401kSourcePreTax inv401kSource = 1 + iota Inv401kSourceAfterTax Inv401kSourceMatch Inv401kSourceProfitSharing Inv401kSourceRollover Inv401kSourceOtherVest Inv401kSourceOtherNonVest ) var inv401kSources = [...]string{"PRETAX", "AFTERTAX", "MATCH", "PROFITSHARING", "ROLLOVER", "OTHERVEST", "OTHERNONVEST"} func (e inv401kSource) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= Inv401kSourcePreTax && e <= Inv401kSourceOtherNonVest } func (e inv401kSource) String() string { if e.Valid() { return inv401kSources[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid inv401kSource (%d)", e) } func (e *inv401kSource) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range inv401kSources { if s == value { *e = inv401kSource(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid Inv401kSource: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *inv401kSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *inv401kSource) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(inv401kSources[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewInv401kSource returns returns an 'enum' value of type inv401kSource given its // string representation func NewInv401kSource(s string) (inv401kSource, error) { var e inv401kSource err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type subAcctType uint // SubAcctType* constants represent the sub-account type for a source and/or destination of a transaction. Used in fields named SubAcctFrom, SubAcctTo, SubAcctSec, SubAcctFund, HeldInAcct. const ( SubAcctTypeCash subAcctType = 1 + iota SubAcctTypeMargin SubAcctTypeShort SubAcctTypeOther ) var subAcctTypes = [...]string{"CASH", "MARGIN", "SHORT", "OTHER"} func (e subAcctType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= SubAcctTypeCash && e <= SubAcctTypeOther } func (e subAcctType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return subAcctTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid subAcctType (%d)", e) } func (e *subAcctType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range subAcctTypes { if s == value { *e = subAcctType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid SubAcctType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *subAcctType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *subAcctType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(subAcctTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewSubAcctType returns returns an 'enum' value of type subAcctType given its // string representation func NewSubAcctType(s string) (subAcctType, error) { var e subAcctType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type buyType uint // BuyType* constants represent types of purchases const ( BuyTypeBuy buyType = 1 + iota BuyTypeBuyToCover ) var buyTypes = [...]string{"BUY", "BUYTOCOVER"} func (e buyType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= BuyTypeBuy && e <= BuyTypeBuyToCover } func (e buyType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return buyTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid buyType (%d)", e) } func (e *buyType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range buyTypes { if s == value { *e = buyType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid BuyType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *buyType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *buyType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(buyTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewBuyType returns returns an 'enum' value of type buyType given its // string representation func NewBuyType(s string) (buyType, error) { var e buyType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type optAction uint // OptAction* constants represent types of actions for options const ( OptActionExercise optAction = 1 + iota OptActionAssign OptActionExpire ) var optActions = [...]string{"EXERCISE", "ASSIGN", "EXPIRE"} func (e optAction) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= OptActionExercise && e <= OptActionExpire } func (e optAction) String() string { if e.Valid() { return optActions[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid optAction (%d)", e) } func (e *optAction) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range optActions { if s == value { *e = optAction(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid OptAction: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *optAction) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *optAction) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(optActions[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewOptAction returns returns an 'enum' value of type optAction given its // string representation func NewOptAction(s string) (optAction, error) { var e optAction err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type tferAction uint // TferAction* constants represent whether the transfer is into or out of this account const ( TferActionIn tferAction = 1 + iota TferActionOut ) var tferActions = [...]string{"IN", "OUT"} func (e tferAction) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= TferActionIn && e <= TferActionOut } func (e tferAction) String() string { if e.Valid() { return tferActions[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid tferAction (%d)", e) } func (e *tferAction) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range tferActions { if s == value { *e = tferAction(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid TferAction: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *tferAction) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *tferAction) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(tferActions[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewTferAction returns returns an 'enum' value of type tferAction given its // string representation func NewTferAction(s string) (tferAction, error) { var e tferAction err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type posType uint // PosType* constants represent position type const ( PosTypeLong posType = 1 + iota PosTypeShort ) var posTypes = [...]string{"LONG", "SHORT"} func (e posType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= PosTypeLong && e <= PosTypeShort } func (e posType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return posTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid posType (%d)", e) } func (e *posType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range posTypes { if s == value { *e = posType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid PosType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *posType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *posType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(posTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewPosType returns returns an 'enum' value of type posType given its // string representation func NewPosType(s string) (posType, error) { var e posType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type secured uint // Secured* constants represent how an option is secured const ( SecuredNaked secured = 1 + iota SecuredCovered ) var secureds = [...]string{"NAKED", "COVERED"} func (e secured) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= SecuredNaked && e <= SecuredCovered } func (e secured) String() string { if e.Valid() { return secureds[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid secured (%d)", e) } func (e *secured) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range secureds { if s == value { *e = secured(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid Secured: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *secured) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *secured) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(secureds[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewSecured returns returns an 'enum' value of type secured given its // string representation func NewSecured(s string) (secured, error) { var e secured err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type duration uint // Duration* constants represent how long the investment order is good for const ( DurationDay duration = 1 + iota DurationGoodTilCancel DurationImmediate ) var durations = [...]string{"DAY", "GOODTILCANCEL", "IMMEDIATE"} func (e duration) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= DurationDay && e <= DurationImmediate } func (e duration) String() string { if e.Valid() { return durations[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid duration (%d)", e) } func (e *duration) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range durations { if s == value { *e = duration(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid Duration: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *duration) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *duration) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(durations[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewDuration returns returns an 'enum' value of type duration given its // string representation func NewDuration(s string) (duration, error) { var e duration err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type restriction uint // Restriction* constants represent a special restriction on an investment order const ( RestrictionAllOrNone restriction = 1 + iota RestrictionMinUnits RestrictionNone ) var restrictions = [...]string{"ALLORNONE", "MINUNITS", "NONE"} func (e restriction) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= RestrictionAllOrNone && e <= RestrictionNone } func (e restriction) String() string { if e.Valid() { return restrictions[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid restriction (%d)", e) } func (e *restriction) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range restrictions { if s == value { *e = restriction(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid Restriction: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *restriction) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *restriction) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(restrictions[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewRestriction returns returns an 'enum' value of type restriction given its // string representation func NewRestriction(s string) (restriction, error) { var e restriction err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type unitType uint // UnitType* constants represent type of the UNITS value const ( UnitTypeShares unitType = 1 + iota UnitTypeCurrency ) var unitTypes = [...]string{"SHARES", "CURRENCY"} func (e unitType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= UnitTypeShares && e <= UnitTypeCurrency } func (e unitType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return unitTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid unitType (%d)", e) } func (e *unitType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range unitTypes { if s == value { *e = unitType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid UnitType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *unitType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *unitType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(unitTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewUnitType returns returns an 'enum' value of type unitType given its // string representation func NewUnitType(s string) (unitType, error) { var e unitType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type optBuyType uint // OptBuyType* constants represent types of purchases for options const ( OptBuyTypeBuyToOpen optBuyType = 1 + iota OptBuyTypeBuyToClose ) var optBuyTypes = [...]string{"BUYTOOPEN", "BUYTOCLOSE"} func (e optBuyType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= OptBuyTypeBuyToOpen && e <= OptBuyTypeBuyToClose } func (e optBuyType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return optBuyTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid optBuyType (%d)", e) } func (e *optBuyType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range optBuyTypes { if s == value { *e = optBuyType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid OptBuyType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *optBuyType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *optBuyType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(optBuyTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewOptBuyType returns returns an 'enum' value of type optBuyType given its // string representation func NewOptBuyType(s string) (optBuyType, error) { var e optBuyType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type sellType uint // SellType* constants represent types of sales const ( SellTypeSell sellType = 1 + iota SellTypeSellShort ) var sellTypes = [...]string{"SELL", "SELLSHORT"} func (e sellType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= SellTypeSell && e <= SellTypeSellShort } func (e sellType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return sellTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid sellType (%d)", e) } func (e *sellType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range sellTypes { if s == value { *e = sellType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid SellType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *sellType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *sellType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(sellTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewSellType returns returns an 'enum' value of type sellType given its // string representation func NewSellType(s string) (sellType, error) { var e sellType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type loanPmtFreq uint // LoanPmtFreq* constants represent the frequency of loan payments const ( LoanPmtFreqWeekly loanPmtFreq = 1 + iota LoanPmtFreqBiweekly LoanPmtFreqTwiceMonthly LoanPmtFreqMonthly LoanPmtFreqFourWeeks LoanPmtFreqBiMonthly LoanPmtFreqQuarterly LoanPmtFreqSemiannually LoanPmtFreqAnnually LoanPmtFreqOther ) var loanPmtFreqs = [...]string{"WEEKLY", "BIWEEKLY", "TWICEMONTHLY", "MONTHLY", "FOURWEEKS", "BIMONTHLY", "QUARTERLY", "SEMIANNUALLY", "ANNUALLY", "OTHER"} func (e loanPmtFreq) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= LoanPmtFreqWeekly && e <= LoanPmtFreqOther } func (e loanPmtFreq) String() string { if e.Valid() { return loanPmtFreqs[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid loanPmtFreq (%d)", e) } func (e *loanPmtFreq) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range loanPmtFreqs { if s == value { *e = loanPmtFreq(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid LoanPmtFreq: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *loanPmtFreq) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *loanPmtFreq) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(loanPmtFreqs[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewLoanPmtFreq returns returns an 'enum' value of type loanPmtFreq given its // string representation func NewLoanPmtFreq(s string) (loanPmtFreq, error) { var e loanPmtFreq err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type incomeType uint // IncomeType* constants represent types of investment income const ( IncomeTypeCGLong incomeType = 1 + iota IncomeTypeCGShort IncomeTypeDiv IncomeTypeInterest IncomeTypeMisc ) var incomeTypes = [...]string{"CGLONG", "CGSHORT", "DIV", "INTEREST", "MISC"} func (e incomeType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= IncomeTypeCGLong && e <= IncomeTypeMisc } func (e incomeType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return incomeTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid incomeType (%d)", e) } func (e *incomeType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range incomeTypes { if s == value { *e = incomeType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid IncomeType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *incomeType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *incomeType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(incomeTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewIncomeType returns returns an 'enum' value of type incomeType given its // string representation func NewIncomeType(s string) (incomeType, error) { var e incomeType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type sellReason uint // SellReason* constants represent the reason the sell of a debt security was generated: CALL (the debt was called), SELL (the debt was sold), MATURITY (the debt reached maturity) const ( SellReasonCall sellReason = 1 + iota SellReasonSell SellReasonMaturity ) var sellReasons = [...]string{"CALL", "SELL", "MATURITY"} func (e sellReason) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= SellReasonCall && e <= SellReasonMaturity } func (e sellReason) String() string { if e.Valid() { return sellReasons[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid sellReason (%d)", e) } func (e *sellReason) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range sellReasons { if s == value { *e = sellReason(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid SellReason: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *sellReason) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *sellReason) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(sellReasons[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewSellReason returns returns an 'enum' value of type sellReason given its // string representation func NewSellReason(s string) (sellReason, error) { var e sellReason err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type optSellType uint // OptSellType* constants represent types of sales for options const ( OptSellTypeSellToClose optSellType = 1 + iota OptSellTypeSellToOpen ) var optSellTypes = [...]string{"SELLTOCLOSE", "SELLTOOPEN"} func (e optSellType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= OptSellTypeSellToClose && e <= OptSellTypeSellToOpen } func (e optSellType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return optSellTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid optSellType (%d)", e) } func (e *optSellType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range optSellTypes { if s == value { *e = optSellType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid OptSellType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *optSellType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *optSellType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(optSellTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewOptSellType returns returns an 'enum' value of type optSellType given its // string representation func NewOptSellType(s string) (optSellType, error) { var e optSellType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type relType uint // RelType* constants represent related option transaction types const ( RelTypeSpread relType = 1 + iota RelTypeStraddle RelTypeNone RelTypeOther ) var relTypes = [...]string{"SPREAD", "STRADDLE", "NONE", "OTHER"} func (e relType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= RelTypeSpread && e <= RelTypeOther } func (e relType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return relTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid relType (%d)", e) } func (e *relType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range relTypes { if s == value { *e = relType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid RelType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *relType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *relType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(relTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewRelType returns returns an 'enum' value of type relType given its // string representation func NewRelType(s string) (relType, error) { var e relType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type charType uint // CharType* constants represent types of characters allowed in password const ( CharTypeAlphaOnly charType = 1 + iota CharTypeNumericOnly CharTypeAlphaOrNumeric CharTypeAlphaAndNumeric ) var charTypes = [...]string{"ALPHAONLY", "NUMERICONLY", "ALPHAORNUMERIC", "ALPHAANDNUMERIC"} func (e charType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= CharTypeAlphaOnly && e <= CharTypeAlphaAndNumeric } func (e charType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return charTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid charType (%d)", e) } func (e *charType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range charTypes { if s == value { *e = charType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid CharType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *charType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *charType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(charTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewCharType returns returns an 'enum' value of type charType given its // string representation func NewCharType(s string) (charType, error) { var e charType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type syncMode uint // SyncMode* constants represent data synchronization mode supported (see OFX spec for more details) const ( SyncModeFull syncMode = 1 + iota SyncModeLite ) var syncModes = [...]string{"FULL", "LITE"} func (e syncMode) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= SyncModeFull && e <= SyncModeLite } func (e syncMode) String() string { if e.Valid() { return syncModes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid syncMode (%d)", e) } func (e *syncMode) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range syncModes { if s == value { *e = syncMode(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid SyncMode: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *syncMode) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *syncMode) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(syncModes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewSyncMode returns returns an 'enum' value of type syncMode given its // string representation func NewSyncMode(s string) (syncMode, error) { var e syncMode err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type ofxSec uint // OfxSec* constants represent the type of application-level security required for the message set const ( OfxSecNone ofxSec = 1 + iota OfxSecType1 ) var ofxSecs = [...]string{"NONE", "TYPE 1"} func (e ofxSec) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= OfxSecNone && e <= OfxSecType1 } func (e ofxSec) String() string { if e.Valid() { return ofxSecs[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid ofxSec (%d)", e) } func (e *ofxSec) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range ofxSecs { if s == value { *e = ofxSec(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid OfxSec: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *ofxSec) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *ofxSec) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(ofxSecs[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewOfxSec returns returns an 'enum' value of type ofxSec given its // string representation func NewOfxSec(s string) (ofxSec, error) { var e ofxSec err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type debtType uint // DebtType* constants represent debt type const ( DebtTypeCoupon debtType = 1 + iota DebtTypeZero ) var debtTypes = [...]string{"COUPON", "ZERO"} func (e debtType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= DebtTypeCoupon && e <= DebtTypeZero } func (e debtType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return debtTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid debtType (%d)", e) } func (e *debtType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range debtTypes { if s == value { *e = debtType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid DebtType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *debtType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *debtType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(debtTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewDebtType returns returns an 'enum' value of type debtType given its // string representation func NewDebtType(s string) (debtType, error) { var e debtType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type debtClass uint // DebtClass* constants represent the class of debt const ( DebtClassTreasury debtClass = 1 + iota DebtClassMunicipal DebtClassCorporate DebtClassOther ) var debtClasss = [...]string{"TREASURY", "MUNICIPAL", "CORPORATE", "OTHER"} func (e debtClass) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= DebtClassTreasury && e <= DebtClassOther } func (e debtClass) String() string { if e.Valid() { return debtClasss[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid debtClass (%d)", e) } func (e *debtClass) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range debtClasss { if s == value { *e = debtClass(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid DebtClass: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *debtClass) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *debtClass) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(debtClasss[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewDebtClass returns returns an 'enum' value of type debtClass given its // string representation func NewDebtClass(s string) (debtClass, error) { var e debtClass err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type couponFreq uint // CouponFreq* constants represent when debt coupons mature const ( CouponFreqMonthly couponFreq = 1 + iota CouponFreqQuarterly CouponFreqSemiannual CouponFreqAnnual CouponFreqOther ) var couponFreqs = [...]string{"MONTHLY", "QUARTERLY", "SEMIANNUAL", "ANNUAL", "OTHER"} func (e couponFreq) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= CouponFreqMonthly && e <= CouponFreqOther } func (e couponFreq) String() string { if e.Valid() { return couponFreqs[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid couponFreq (%d)", e) } func (e *couponFreq) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range couponFreqs { if s == value { *e = couponFreq(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid CouponFreq: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *couponFreq) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *couponFreq) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(couponFreqs[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewCouponFreq returns returns an 'enum' value of type couponFreq given its // string representation func NewCouponFreq(s string) (couponFreq, error) { var e couponFreq err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type callType uint // CallType* constants represent type of next call (for a debt) const ( CallTypeCall callType = 1 + iota CallTypePut CallTypePrefund CallTypeMaturity ) var callTypes = [...]string{"CALL", "PUT", "PREFUND", "MATURITY"} func (e callType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= CallTypeCall && e <= CallTypeMaturity } func (e callType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return callTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid callType (%d)", e) } func (e *callType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range callTypes { if s == value { *e = callType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid CallType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *callType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *callType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(callTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewCallType returns returns an 'enum' value of type callType given its // string representation func NewCallType(s string) (callType, error) { var e callType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type assetClass uint // AssetClass* constants represent type of asset classes const ( AssetClassDomesticBond assetClass = 1 + iota AssetClassIntlBond AssetClassLargeStock AssetClassSmallStock AssetClassIntlStock AssetClassMoneyMrkt AssetClassOther ) var assetClasss = [...]string{"DOMESTICBOND", "INTLBOND", "LARGESTOCK", "SMALLSTOCK", "INTLSTOCK", "MONEYMRKT", "OTHER"} func (e assetClass) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= AssetClassDomesticBond && e <= AssetClassOther } func (e assetClass) String() string { if e.Valid() { return assetClasss[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid assetClass (%d)", e) } func (e *assetClass) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range assetClasss { if s == value { *e = assetClass(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid AssetClass: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *assetClass) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *assetClass) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(assetClasss[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewAssetClass returns returns an 'enum' value of type assetClass given its // string representation func NewAssetClass(s string) (assetClass, error) { var e assetClass err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type mfType uint // MfType* constants represent types of mutual funds const ( MfTypeOpenEnd mfType = 1 + iota MfTypeCloseEnd MfTypeOther ) var mfTypes = [...]string{"OPENEND", "CLOSEEND", "OTHER"} func (e mfType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= MfTypeOpenEnd && e <= MfTypeOther } func (e mfType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return mfTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid mfType (%d)", e) } func (e *mfType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range mfTypes { if s == value { *e = mfType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid MfType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *mfType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *mfType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(mfTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewMfType returns returns an 'enum' value of type mfType given its // string representation func NewMfType(s string) (mfType, error) { var e mfType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type optType uint // OptType* constants represent whether the option is a PUT or a CALL const ( OptTypePut optType = 1 + iota OptTypeCall ) var optTypes = [...]string{"PUT", "CALL"} func (e optType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= OptTypePut && e <= OptTypeCall } func (e optType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return optTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid optType (%d)", e) } func (e *optType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range optTypes { if s == value { *e = optType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid OptType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *optType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *optType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(optTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewOptType returns returns an 'enum' value of type optType given its // string representation func NewOptType(s string) (optType, error) { var e optType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type stockType uint // StockType* constants represent types of stock const ( StockTypeCommon stockType = 1 + iota StockTypePreferred StockTypeConvertible StockTypeOther ) var stockTypes = [...]string{"COMMON", "PREFERRED", "CONVERTIBLE", "OTHER"} func (e stockType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= StockTypeCommon && e <= StockTypeOther } func (e stockType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return stockTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid stockType (%d)", e) } func (e *stockType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range stockTypes { if s == value { *e = stockType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid StockType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *stockType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *stockType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(stockTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewStockType returns returns an 'enum' value of type stockType given its // string representation func NewStockType(s string) (stockType, error) { var e stockType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type holderType uint // HolderType* constants represent how the account is held const ( HolderTypeIndividual holderType = 1 + iota HolderTypeJoint HolderTypeCustodial HolderTypeTrust HolderTypeOther ) var holderTypes = [...]string{"INDIVIDUAL", "JOINT", "CUSTODIAL", "TRUST", "OTHER"} func (e holderType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= HolderTypeIndividual && e <= HolderTypeOther } func (e holderType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return holderTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid holderType (%d)", e) } func (e *holderType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range holderTypes { if s == value { *e = holderType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid HolderType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *holderType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *holderType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(holderTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewHolderType returns returns an 'enum' value of type holderType given its // string representation func NewHolderType(s string) (holderType, error) { var e holderType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type acctClassification uint // AcctClassification* constants represent the type of an account const ( AcctClassificationPersonal acctClassification = 1 + iota AcctClassificationBusiness AcctClassificationCorporate AcctClassificationOther ) var acctClassifications = [...]string{"PERSONAL", "BUSINESS", "CORPORATE", "OTHER"} func (e acctClassification) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= AcctClassificationPersonal && e <= AcctClassificationOther } func (e acctClassification) String() string { if e.Valid() { return acctClassifications[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid acctClassification (%d)", e) } func (e *acctClassification) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range acctClassifications { if s == value { *e = acctClassification(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid AcctClassification: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *acctClassification) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *acctClassification) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(acctClassifications[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewAcctClassification returns returns an 'enum' value of type acctClassification given its // string representation func NewAcctClassification(s string) (acctClassification, error) { var e acctClassification err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type svcStatus uint // SvcStatus* constants represent the status of the account: AVAIL = Available, but not yet requested, PEND = Requested, but not yet available, ACTIVE = In use const ( SvcStatusAvail svcStatus = 1 + iota SvcStatusPend SvcStatusActive ) var svcStatuss = [...]string{"AVAIL", "PEND", "ACTIVE"} func (e svcStatus) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= SvcStatusAvail && e <= SvcStatusActive } func (e svcStatus) String() string { if e.Valid() { return svcStatuss[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid svcStatus (%d)", e) } func (e *svcStatus) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range svcStatuss { if s == value { *e = svcStatus(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid SvcStatus: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *svcStatus) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *svcStatus) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(svcStatuss[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewSvcStatus returns returns an 'enum' value of type svcStatus given its // string representation func NewSvcStatus(s string) (svcStatus, error) { var e svcStatus err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil } type usProductType uint // UsProductType* constants represent type of investment account (in the US) const ( UsProductType401K usProductType = 1 + iota UsProductType403B UsProductTypeIRA UsProductTypeKEOGH UsProductTypeOther UsProductTypeSARSEP UsProductTypeSimple UsProductTypeNormal UsProductTypeTDA UsProductTypeTrust UsProductTypeUGMA ) var usProductTypes = [...]string{"401K", "403B", "IRA", "KEOGH", "OTHER", "SARSEP", "SIMPLE", "NORMAL", "TDA", "TRUST", "UGMA"} func (e usProductType) Valid() bool { // This check is mostly out of paranoia, ensuring e != 0 should be // sufficient return e >= UsProductType401K && e <= UsProductTypeUGMA } func (e usProductType) String() string { if e.Valid() { return usProductTypes[e-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("invalid usProductType (%d)", e) } func (e *usProductType) FromString(in string) error { value := strings.TrimSpace(in) for i, s := range usProductTypes { if s == value { *e = usProductType(i + 1) return nil } } *e = 0 return errors.New("Invalid UsProductType: \"" + in + "\"") } func (e *usProductType) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error { var value string err := d.DecodeElement(&value, &start) if err != nil { return err } return e.FromString(value) } func (e *usProductType) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error { if !e.Valid() { return nil } enc.EncodeElement(usProductTypes[*e-1], start) return nil } // NewUsProductType returns returns an 'enum' value of type usProductType given its // string representation func NewUsProductType(s string) (usProductType, error) { var e usProductType err := e.FromString(s) if err != nil { return 0, err } return e, nil }