diff --git a/profile_test.go b/profile_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1afb0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+package ofxgo_test
+import (
+ "github.com/aclindsa/ofxgo"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+func TestMarshalProfileRequest(t *testing.T) {
+ var expectedString string = `
+ 20160614073400.000[-5:EST]
+ anonymous00000000000000000000000
+ anonymous00000000000000000000000
+ 1987
+ 0001
+ 983373
+ 20160101000000.000[-5:EST]
+ var client = ofxgo.Client{
+ AppId: "OFXGO",
+ AppVer: "0001",
+ SpecVersion: "203",
+ }
+ var request ofxgo.Request
+ request.Signon.UserId = "anonymous00000000000000000000000"
+ request.Signon.UserPass = "anonymous00000000000000000000000"
+ request.Signon.Org = "BNK"
+ request.Signon.Fid = "1987"
+ EST := time.FixedZone("EST", -5*60*60)
+ profileRequest := ofxgo.ProfileRequest{
+ TrnUID: "983373",
+ DtProfUp: ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, EST)),
+ }
+ request.Prof = append(request.Prof, &profileRequest)
+ request.SetClientFields(&client)
+ // Overwrite the DtClient value set by SetClientFields to time.Now()
+ request.Signon.DtClient = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2016, 6, 14, 7, 34, 0, 0, EST))
+ marshalCheckRequest(t, &request, expectedString)
+func TestUnmarshalProfileResponse102(t *testing.T) {
+ responseReader := strings.NewReader(`OFXHEADER:100
+Example Trade
+Example Trade
+Example Trade
+Example Trade
+Example Trade
+Example Trade
+Example Trade Financial
+5555 Buhunkus Drive
+ var expected ofxgo.Response
+ GMT := time.FixedZone("GMT", 0)
+ expected.Version = "102"
+ expected.Signon.Status.Code = 0
+ expected.Signon.Status.Severity = "INFO"
+ expected.Signon.DtServer = ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2017, 4, 3, 9, 34, 58, 0, GMT))
+ expected.Signon.Language = "ENG"
+ dtprofup := ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2002, 11, 19, 14, 0, 0, 0, GMT))
+ expected.Signon.DtProfUp = &dtprofup
+ profileResponse := ofxgo.ProfileResponse{
+ TrnUID: "0f94ce83-13b7-7568-e4fc-c02c7b47e7ab",
+ Status: ofxgo.Status{
+ Code: 0,
+ Severity: "INFO",
+ },
+ MessageSetList: ofxgo.MessageSetList{
+ ofxgo.MessageSet{
+ Ver: "1",
+ Url: "https://ofx.example.com/cgi-ofx/exampleofx",
+ OfxSec: "NONE",
+ TranspSec: true,
+ SignonRealm: "Example Trade",
+ Language: []ofxgo.String{"ENG"},
+ SyncMode: "LITE",
+ RespFileER: false,
+ // Ignored: 300
+ },
+ ofxgo.MessageSet{
+ Ver: "1",
+ Url: "https://ofx.example.com/cgi-ofx/exampleofx",
+ OfxSec: "NONE",
+ TranspSec: true,
+ SignonRealm: "Example Trade",
+ Language: []ofxgo.String{"ENG"},
+ SyncMode: "LITE",
+ RespFileER: false,
+ // Ignored: 300
+ },
+ ofxgo.MessageSet{
+ Ver: "1",
+ Url: "https://ofx.example.com/cgi-ofx/exampleofx",
+ OfxSec: "NONE",
+ TranspSec: true,
+ SignonRealm: "Example Trade",
+ Language: []ofxgo.String{"ENG"},
+ SyncMode: "LITE",
+ RespFileER: false,
+ // Ignored: 300
+ },
+ ofxgo.MessageSet{
+ Ver: "1",
+ Url: "https://ofx.example.com/cgi-ofx/exampleofx",
+ OfxSec: "NONE",
+ TranspSec: true,
+ SignonRealm: "Example Trade",
+ Language: []ofxgo.String{"ENG"},
+ SyncMode: "LITE",
+ RespFileER: false,
+ // Ignored: 300
+ },
+ ofxgo.MessageSet{
+ Ver: "1",
+ Url: "https://ofx.example.com/cgi-ofx/exampleofx",
+ OfxSec: "NONE",
+ TranspSec: true,
+ SignonRealm: "Example Trade",
+ Language: []ofxgo.String{"ENG"},
+ SyncMode: "LITE",
+ RespFileER: false,
+ // Ignored: 300
+ },
+ },
+ SignonInfoList: []ofxgo.SignonInfo{
+ ofxgo.SignonInfo{
+ SignonRealm: "Example Trade",
+ Min: 1,
+ Max: 32,
+ CaseSen: false,
+ Special: true,
+ Spaces: false,
+ PinCh: false,
+ ChgPinFirst: false,
+ },
+ },
+ DtProfUp: ofxgo.Date(time.Date(2002, 11, 19, 14, 0, 0, 0, GMT)),
+ FiName: "Example Trade Financial",
+ Addr1: "5555 Buhunkus Drive",
+ City: "Someville",
+ State: "NC",
+ PostalCode: "28801",
+ Country: "USA",
+ CsPhone: "1-800-234-5678",
+ TsPhone: "1-800-234-5678",
+ FaxPhone: "1-888-234-5678",
+ URL: "http://www.example.com",
+ Email: "service@example.com",
+ // Ignored: example.com
+ }
+ expected.Prof = append(expected.Prof, &profileResponse)
+ response, err := ofxgo.ParseResponse(responseReader)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error unmarshalling response: %s\n", err)
+ }
+ checkResponsesEqual(t, &expected, response)