ImageRefString`xml:"IMAGEREF"`// URL or identifier, depending on IMAGEREFTYPE
ImageRefTypeString`xml:"IMAGEREFTYPE"`// One of OPAQUE, URL, FORMURL (see spec for more details on how to access images of each of these types)
// Only one of the next two should be valid at any given time
ImageDelayInt`xml:"IMAGEDELAY,omitempty"`// Number of calendar days from DTSERVER (for statement images) or DTPOSTED (for transaction image) the image will become available
DtImageAvailDate`xml:"DTIMAGEAVAIL,omitempty"`// Date image will become available
ImageTTLInt`xml:"IMAGETTL,omitempty"`// Number of days after image becomes available that it will remain available
CheckSupString`xml:"CHECKSUP,omitempty"`// What is contained in check images. One of FRONTONLY, BACKONLY, FRONTANDBACK
TrnTypeString`xml:"TRNTYPE"`// One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, OTHER
ExtdNameString`xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"`// Extended name of payee or transaction description
BankAcctToBankAcct`xml:"BANKACCTTO,omitempty"`// If the transfer was to a bank account we have the account information for
CCAcctToCCAcct`xml:"CCACCTTO,omitempty"`// If the transfer was to a credit card account we have the account information for
MemoString`xml:"MEMO,omitempty"`// Extra information (not in NAME)
CurrencyString`xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"`// If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
OrigCurrencyString`xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"`// If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
Inv401kSourceString`xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"`// One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST (Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST.)
TrnTypeString`xml:"TRNTYPE"`// One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, HOLD, OTHER
DtExpireDate`xml:"DTEXPIRE,omitempty"`// only valid for TrnType==HOLD, the date the hold will expire
ExtdNameString`xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"`// Extended name of payee or transaction description
MemoString`xml:"MEMO,omitempty"`// Extra information (not in NAME)
CurrencyString`xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"`// If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS
OrigCurrencyString`xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"`// If different from CURDEF in STMTTRS