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package db
import (
// Split is a mirror of models.Split with the Amount broken out into whole and
// fractional components
type Split struct {
SplitId int64
TransactionId int64
Status int64
ImportSplitType int64
// One of AccountId and SecurityId must be -1
// In normal splits, AccountId will be valid and SecurityId will be -1. The
// only case where this is reversed is for transactions that have been
// imported and not yet associated with an account.
AccountId int64
SecurityId int64
RemoteId string // unique ID from server, for detecting duplicates
Number string // Check or reference number
Memo string
// Amount.Whole and Amount.Fractional(MaxPrecision)
WholeAmount int64
FractionalAmount int64
func NewSplit(s *models.Split) (*Split, error) {
whole, err := s.Amount.Whole()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fractional, err := s.Amount.Fractional(MaxPrecision)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Split{
SplitId: s.SplitId,
TransactionId: s.TransactionId,
Status: s.Status,
ImportSplitType: s.ImportSplitType,
AccountId: s.AccountId,
SecurityId: s.SecurityId,
RemoteId: s.RemoteId,
Number: s.Number,
Memo: s.Memo,
WholeAmount: whole,
FractionalAmount: fractional,
}, nil
func (s Split) Split() *models.Split {
split := &models.Split{
SplitId: s.SplitId,
TransactionId: s.TransactionId,
Status: s.Status,
ImportSplitType: s.ImportSplitType,
AccountId: s.AccountId,
SecurityId: s.SecurityId,
RemoteId: s.RemoteId,
Number: s.Number,
Memo: s.Memo,
split.Amount.FromParts(s.WholeAmount, s.FractionalAmount, MaxPrecision)
return split
func (tx *Tx) incrementAccountVersions(user *models.User, accountids []int64) error {
for i := range accountids {
account, err := tx.GetAccount(accountids[i], user.UserId)
if err != nil {
return err
count, err := tx.Update(account)
if err != nil {
return err
if count != 1 {
return errors.New("Updated more than one account")
return nil
func (tx *Tx) InsertTransaction(t *models.Transaction, user *models.User) error {
// Map of any accounts with transaction splits being added
a_map := make(map[int64]bool)
for i := range t.Splits {
if t.Splits[i].AccountId != -1 {
existing, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT count(*) from accounts where AccountId=?", t.Splits[i].AccountId)
if err != nil {
return err
if existing != 1 {
return store.AccountMissingError{}
a_map[t.Splits[i].AccountId] = true
} else if t.Splits[i].SecurityId == -1 {
return store.AccountMissingError{}
//increment versions for all accounts
var a_ids []int64
for id := range a_map {
a_ids = append(a_ids, id)
// ensure at least one of the splits is associated with an actual account
if len(a_ids) < 1 {
return store.AccountMissingError{}
err := tx.incrementAccountVersions(user, a_ids)
if err != nil {
return err
t.UserId = user.UserId
err = tx.Insert(t)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range t.Splits {
t.Splits[i].TransactionId = t.TransactionId
t.Splits[i].SplitId = -1
s, err := NewSplit(t.Splits[i])
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.Insert(s)
if err != nil {
return err
*t.Splits[i] = *s.Split()
return nil
func (tx *Tx) SplitExists(s *models.Split) (bool, error) {
count, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT COUNT(*) from splits where RemoteId=? and AccountId=?", s.RemoteId, s.AccountId)
return count == 1, err
func (tx *Tx) GetTransaction(transactionid int64, userid int64) (*models.Transaction, error) {
var t models.Transaction
var splits []*Split
err := tx.SelectOne(&t, "SELECT * from transactions where UserId=? AND TransactionId=?", userid, transactionid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = tx.Select(&splits, "SELECT * from splits where TransactionId=?", transactionid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, split := range splits {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, split.Split())
return &t, nil
func (tx *Tx) GetTransactions(userid int64) (*[]*models.Transaction, error) {
var transactions []*models.Transaction
_, err := tx.Select(&transactions, "SELECT * from transactions where UserId=?", userid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range transactions {
var splits []*Split
_, err := tx.Select(&splits, "SELECT * from splits where TransactionId=?", transactions[i].TransactionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, split := range splits {
transactions[i].Splits = append(transactions[i].Splits, split.Split())
return &transactions, nil
func (tx *Tx) UpdateTransaction(t *models.Transaction, user *models.User) error {
var existing_splits []*Split
_, err := tx.Select(&existing_splits, "SELECT * from splits where TransactionId=?", t.TransactionId)
if err != nil {
return err
// Map of any accounts with transaction splits being added
a_map := make(map[int64]bool)
// Make a map with any existing splits for this transaction
s_map := make(map[int64]bool)
for i := range existing_splits {
s_map[existing_splits[i].SplitId] = true
// Insert splits, updating any pre-existing ones
for i := range t.Splits {
t.Splits[i].TransactionId = t.TransactionId
s, err := NewSplit(t.Splits[i])
if err != nil {
return err
_, ok := s_map[s.SplitId]
if ok {
count, err := tx.Update(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if count > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Updated %d transaction splits while attempting to update only 1", count)
delete(s_map, s.SplitId)
} else {
s.SplitId = -1
err := tx.Insert(s)
if err != nil {
return err
*t.Splits[i] = *s.Split()
if t.Splits[i].AccountId != -1 {
a_map[s.AccountId] = true
// Delete any remaining pre-existing splits
for i := range existing_splits {
_, ok := s_map[existing_splits[i].SplitId]
if existing_splits[i].AccountId != -1 {
a_map[existing_splits[i].AccountId] = true
if ok {
_, err := tx.Delete(existing_splits[i])
if err != nil {
return err
// Increment versions for all accounts with modified splits
var a_ids []int64
for id := range a_map {
a_ids = append(a_ids, id)
err = tx.incrementAccountVersions(user, a_ids)
if err != nil {
return err
count, err := tx.Update(t)
if err != nil {
return err
if count > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Updated %d transactions (expected 1)", count)
return nil
func (tx *Tx) DeleteTransaction(t *models.Transaction, user *models.User) error {
var accountids []int64
_, err := tx.Select(&accountids, "SELECT DISTINCT AccountId FROM splits WHERE TransactionId=? AND AccountId != -1", t.TransactionId)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tx.Exec("DELETE FROM splits WHERE TransactionId=?", t.TransactionId)
if err != nil {
return err
count, err := tx.Delete(t)
if err != nil {
return err
if count != 1 {
return errors.New("Deleted more than one transaction")
err = tx.incrementAccountVersions(user, accountids)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Assumes accountid is valid and is owned by the current user
func (tx *Tx) getAccountBalance(xtrasql string, args ...interface{}) (*models.Amount, error) {
var balance models.Amount
sql := "FROM splits INNER JOIN transactions ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE splits.AccountId=? AND transactions.UserId=?" + xtrasql
count, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT splits.SplitId "+sql+" LIMIT 1", args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if count > 0 {
type bal struct {
Whole, Fractional int64
var b bal
err := tx.SelectOne(&b, "SELECT sum(splits.WholeAmount) AS Whole, sum(splits.FractionalAmount) AS Fractional "+sql, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
balance.FromParts(b.Whole, b.Fractional, MaxPrecision)
return &balance, nil
func (tx *Tx) GetAccountBalance(user *models.User, accountid int64) (*models.Amount, error) {
return tx.getAccountBalance("", accountid, user.UserId)
func (tx *Tx) GetAccountBalanceDate(user *models.User, accountid int64, date *time.Time) (*models.Amount, error) {
return tx.getAccountBalance(" AND transactions.Date < ?", accountid, user.UserId, date)
func (tx *Tx) GetAccountBalanceDateRange(user *models.User, accountid int64, begin, end *time.Time) (*models.Amount, error) {
return tx.getAccountBalance(" AND transactions.Date >= ? AND transactions.Date < ?", accountid, user.UserId, begin, end)
func (tx *Tx) transactionsBalanceDifference(accountid int64, transactions []*models.Transaction) (*big.Rat, error) {
var pageDifference big.Rat
for i := range transactions {
var splits []*Split
_, err := tx.Select(&splits, "SELECT * FROM splits where TransactionId=?", transactions[i].TransactionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sum up the amounts from the splits we're returning so we can return
// an ending balance
for j, s := range splits {
transactions[i].Splits = append(transactions[i].Splits, s.Split())
if transactions[i].Splits[j].AccountId == accountid {
pageDifference.Add(&pageDifference, &transactions[i].Splits[j].Amount.Rat)
return &pageDifference, nil
func (tx *Tx) GetAccountTransactions(user *models.User, accountid int64, sort string, page uint64, limit uint64) (*models.AccountTransactionsList, error) {
var transactions []*models.Transaction
var atl models.AccountTransactionsList
var sqlsort, balanceLimitOffset string
var balanceLimitOffsetArg uint64
if sort == "date-asc" {
sqlsort = " ORDER BY transactions.Date ASC, transactions.TransactionId ASC"
balanceLimitOffset = " LIMIT ?"
balanceLimitOffsetArg = page * limit
} else if sort == "date-desc" {
numSplits, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT count(*) FROM splits")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sqlsort = " ORDER BY transactions.Date DESC, transactions.TransactionId DESC"
balanceLimitOffset = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d OFFSET ?", numSplits)
balanceLimitOffsetArg = (page + 1) * limit
var sqloffset string
if page > 0 {
sqloffset = fmt.Sprintf(" OFFSET %d", page*limit)
account, err := tx.GetAccount(accountid, user.UserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
atl.Account = account
sql := "SELECT DISTINCT transactions.* FROM transactions INNER JOIN splits ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE transactions.UserId=? AND splits.AccountId=?" + sqlsort + " LIMIT ?" + sqloffset
_, err = tx.Select(&transactions, sql, user.UserId, accountid, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
atl.Transactions = &transactions
pageDifference, err := tx.transactionsBalanceDifference(accountid, transactions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
count, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT count(DISTINCT transactions.TransactionId) FROM transactions INNER JOIN splits ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE transactions.UserId=? AND splits.AccountId=?", user.UserId, accountid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
atl.TotalTransactions = count
security, err := tx.GetSecurity(atl.Account.SecurityId, user.UserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if security == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Security not found")
// Sum all the splits for all transaction splits for this account that
// occurred before the page we're returning
sql = "FROM splits AS s INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT transactions.Date, transactions.TransactionId FROM transactions INNER JOIN splits ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE transactions.UserId=? AND splits.AccountId=?" + sqlsort + balanceLimitOffset + ") as t ON s.TransactionId = t.TransactionId WHERE s.AccountId=?"
count, err = tx.SelectInt("SELECT count(*) "+sql, user.UserId, accountid, balanceLimitOffsetArg, accountid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var balance models.Amount
// Don't attempt to 'sum()' the splits if none exist, because it is
// supposed to return null/nil in this case, which makes gorp angry since
// we're using SelectInt()
if count > 0 {
whole, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT sum(s.WholeAmount) "+sql, user.UserId, accountid, balanceLimitOffsetArg, accountid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fractional, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT sum(s.FractionalAmount) "+sql, user.UserId, accountid, balanceLimitOffsetArg, accountid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
balance.FromParts(whole, fractional, MaxPrecision)
atl.BeginningBalance = balance
atl.EndingBalance.Rat.Add(&balance.Rat, pageDifference)
return &atl, nil