var ImportConstants = require('../constants/ImportConstants'); var models = require('../models.js'); var OFXDownload = models.OFXDownload; var Error = models.Error; function beginImport() { return { type: ImportConstants.BEGIN_IMPORT } } function updateProgress(progress) { return { type: ImportConstants.UPDATE_IMPORT_PROGRESS, progress: progress } } function importFinished() { return { type: ImportConstants.IMPORT_FINISHED } } function importFailed(error) { return { type: ImportConstants.IMPORT_FAILED, error: error } } function openModal() { return function(dispatch) { dispatch({ type: ImportConstants.OPEN_IMPORT_MODAL }); }; } function closeModal() { return function(dispatch) { dispatch({ type: ImportConstants.CLOSE_IMPORT_MODAL }); }; } function importOFX(account, password, startDate, endDate) { return function(dispatch) { dispatch(beginImport()); dispatch(updateProgress(50)); var ofxdownload = new OFXDownload(); ofxdownload.OFXPassword = password; ofxdownload.StartDate = startDate; ofxdownload.EndDate = endDate; $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "account/"+account.AccountId+"/import/ofx", data: {ofxdownload: ofxdownload.toJSON()}, success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { var errString = e.ErrorString; if (e.ErrorId == 3 /* Invalid Request */) { errString = "Please check that your password and all other OFX login credentials are correct."; } dispatch(importFailed(errString)); } else { dispatch(importFinished()); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(importFailed(error)); } }); }; } function importFile(url, inputElement) { return function(dispatch) { dispatch(beginImport()); if (inputElement.files.length == 0) { dispatch(importFailed("No files specified to be imported")) return; } if (inputElement.files.length > 1) { dispatch(importFailed("More than one file specified for import, only one allowed at a time")) return; } var file = inputElement.files[0]; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('importfile', file,; var handleSetProgress = function(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var pct = Math.round(e.loaded/*100); dispatch(updateProgress(pct)); } else { dispatch(updateProgress(50)); } } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: formData, xhr: function() { var xhrObject = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (xhrObject.upload) { xhrObject.upload.addEventListener('progress', handleSetProgress, false); } else { dispatch(importFailed("File upload failed because xhr.upload isn't supported by your browser.")); } return xhrObject; }, success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { var errString = e.ErrorString; if (e.ErrorId == 3 /* Invalid Request */) { errString = "Please check that the file you uploaded is valid and try again."; } dispatch(importFailed(errString)); } else { dispatch(importFinished()); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(importFailed(error)); }, // So jQuery doesn't try to process the data or content-type cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false }); }; } function importOFXFile(inputElement, account) { url = "account/"+account.AccountId+"/import/ofxfile"; return importFile(url, inputElement); } function importGnucash(inputElement) { url = "import/gnucash"; return importFile(url, inputElement); } module.exports = { openModal: openModal, closeModal: closeModal, importOFX: importOFX, importOFXFile: importOFXFile, importGnucash: importGnucash };