var Big = require('big.js'); function getJSONObj(json_input) { if (typeof json_input == "string") return $.parseJSON(json_input) else if (typeof json_input == "object") return json_input; console.error("Unable to parse json:", json_input); return null } function User() { this.UserId = -1; this.Name = ""; this.Username = ""; this.Password = ""; this.Email = ""; } User.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.UserId = this.UserId; json_obj.Name = this.Name; json_obj.Username = this.Username; json_obj.Password = this.Password; json_obj.Email = this.Email; return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } User.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("UserId")) this.UserId = json_obj.UserId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Name")) this.Name = json_obj.Name; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Username")) this.Username = json_obj.Username; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Password")) this.Password = json_obj.Password; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Email")) this.Email = json_obj.Email; } User.prototype.isUser = function() { var empty_user = new User(); return this.UserId != empty_user.UserId || this.Username != empty_user.Username; } function Session() { this.SessionId = -1; this.UserId = -1; } Session.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.SessionId = this.SessionId; json_obj.UserId = this.UserId; return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } Session.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("SessionId")) this.SessionId = json_obj.SessionId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("UserId")) this.UserId = json_obj.UserId; } Session.prototype.isSession = function() { var empty_session = new Session(); return this.SessionId != empty_session.SessionId || this.UserId != empty_session.UserId; } const SecurityType = { Currency: 1, Stock: 2 } var SecurityTypeList = []; for (var type in SecurityType) { if (SecurityType.hasOwnProperty(type)) { SecurityTypeList.push({'TypeId': SecurityType[type], 'Name': type}); } } function Security() { this.SecurityId = -1; this.Name = ""; this.Description = ""; this.Symbol = ""; this.Precision = -1; this.Type = -1; this.AlternateId = ""; } Security.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.SecurityId = this.SecurityId; json_obj.Name = this.Name; json_obj.Description = this.Description; json_obj.Symbol = this.Symbol; json_obj.Precision = this.Precision; json_obj.Type = this.Type; json_obj.AlternateId = this.AlternateId; return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } Security.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("SecurityId")) this.SecurityId = json_obj.SecurityId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Name")) this.Name = json_obj.Name; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Description")) this.Description = json_obj.Description; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Symbol")) this.Symbol = json_obj.Symbol; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Precision")) this.Precision = json_obj.Precision; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Type")) this.Type = json_obj.Type; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("AlternateId")) this.AlternateId = json_obj.AlternateId; } Security.prototype.isSecurity = function() { var empty_account = new Security(); return this.SecurityId != empty_account.SecurityId || this.Type != empty_account.Type; } const AccountType = { Bank: 1, Cash: 2, Asset: 3, Liability: 4, Investment: 5, Income: 6, Expense: 7, Trading: 8, Equity: 9, Receivable: 10, Payable: 11 } var AccountTypeList = []; for (var type in AccountType) { if (AccountType.hasOwnProperty(type)) { AccountTypeList.push({'TypeId': AccountType[type], 'Name': type}); } } function Account() { this.AccountId = -1; this.UserId = -1; this.SecurityId = -1; this.ParentAccountId = -1; this.Type = -1; this.Name = ""; } Account.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.AccountId = this.AccountId; json_obj.UserId = this.UserId; json_obj.SecurityId = this.SecurityId; json_obj.ParentAccountId = this.ParentAccountId; json_obj.Type = this.Type; json_obj.Name = this.Name; return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } Account.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("AccountId")) this.AccountId = json_obj.AccountId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("UserId")) this.UserId = json_obj.UserId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("SecurityId")) this.SecurityId = json_obj.SecurityId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("ParentAccountId")) this.ParentAccountId = json_obj.ParentAccountId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Type")) this.Type = json_obj.Type; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Name")) this.Name = json_obj.Name; } Account.prototype.isAccount = function() { var empty_account = new Account(); return this.AccountId != empty_account.AccountId || this.UserId != empty_account.UserId; } Account.prototype.isRootAccount = function() { var empty_account = new Account(); return this.ParentAccountId == empty_account.ParentAccountId; } function Split() { this.SplitId = -1; this.TransactionId = -1; this.AccountId = -1; this.SecurityId = -1; this.Number = ""; this.Memo = ""; this.Amount = new Big(0.0); this.Debit = false; } Split.prototype.toJSONobj = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.SplitId = this.SplitId; json_obj.TransactionId = this.TransactionId; json_obj.AccountId = this.AccountId; json_obj.SecurityId = this.SecurityId; json_obj.Number = this.Number; json_obj.Memo = this.Memo; json_obj.Amount = this.Amount.toFixed(); json_obj.Debit = this.Debit; return json_obj; } Split.prototype.fromJSONobj = function(json_obj) { if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("SplitId")) this.SplitId = json_obj.SplitId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("TransactionId")) this.TransactionId = json_obj.TransactionId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("AccountId")) this.AccountId = json_obj.AccountId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("SecurityId")) this.SecurityId = json_obj.SecurityId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Number")) this.Number = json_obj.Number; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Memo")) this.Memo = json_obj.Memo; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Amount")) this.Amount = new Big(json_obj.Amount); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Debit")) this.Debit = json_obj.Debit; } Split.prototype.isSplit = function() { var empty_split = new Split(); return this.SplitId != empty_split.SplitId || this.TransactionId != empty_split.TransactionId || this.AccountId != empty_split.AccountId || this.SecurityId != empty_split.SecurityId; } const TransactionStatus = { Imported: 1, Entered: 2, Cleared: 3, Reconciled: 4, Voided: 5 } var TransactionStatusList = []; for (var type in TransactionStatus) { if (TransactionStatus.hasOwnProperty(type)) { TransactionStatusList.push({'StatusId': TransactionStatus[type], 'Name': type}); } } var TransactionStatusMap = {}; for (var status in TransactionStatus) { if (TransactionStatus.hasOwnProperty(status)) { TransactionStatusMap[TransactionStatus[status]] = status; } } function Transaction() { this.TransactionId = -1; this.UserId = -1; this.Description = ""; this.Status = -1; this.Date = new Date(); this.Splits = []; } Transaction.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.TransactionId = this.TransactionId; json_obj.UserId = this.UserId; json_obj.Description = this.Description; json_obj.Status = this.Status; json_obj.Date = this.Date.toJSON(); json_obj.Splits = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.Splits.length; i++) json_obj.Splits.push(this.Splits[i].toJSONobj()); return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } Transaction.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("TransactionId")) this.TransactionId = json_obj.TransactionId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("UserId")) this.UserId = json_obj.UserId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Description")) this.Description = json_obj.Description; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Status")) this.Status = json_obj.Status; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Date")) { this.Date = json_obj.Date if (typeof this.Date === 'string') { var t = Date.parse(this.Date); if (t) this.Date = new Date(t); else this.Date = new Date(0); } else this.Date = new Date(0); } if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Splits")) { for (var i = 0; i < json_obj.Splits.length; i++) { var s = new Split(); s.fromJSONobj(json_obj.Splits[i]); this.Splits.push(s); } } } Transaction.prototype.isTransaction = function() { var empty_transaction = new Transaction(); return this.TransactionId != empty_transaction.TransactionId || this.UserId != empty_transaction.UserId; } Transaction.prototype.deepCopy = function() { var t = new Transaction(); t.fromJSON(this.toJSON()); return t; } Transaction.prototype.imbalancedSplitSecurities = function(account_map) { // Return a list of SecurityIDs for those securities that aren't balanced // in this transaction's splits. If a split's AccountId is invalid, that // split is ignored, so those must be checked elsewhere var splitBalances = {}; const emptySplit = new Split(); for (var i = 0; i < this.Splits.length; i++) { split = this.Splits[i]; var securityId = -1; if (split.AccountId != emptySplit.AccountId) { securityId = account_map[split.AccountId].SecurityId; } else if (split.SecurityId != emptySplit.SecurityId) { securityId = split.SecurityId; } else { continue; } if (securityId in splitBalances) { splitBalances[securityId] =[securityId]); } else { splitBalances[securityId] =; } } var imbalancedIDs = []; for (var id in splitBalances) { if (!splitBalances[id].eq(0)) { imbalancedIDs.push(id); } } return imbalancedIDs; } function Error() { this.ErrorId = -1; this.ErrorString = ""; } Error.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.ErrorId = this.ErrorId; json_obj.ErrorString = this.ErrorString; return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } Error.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input); if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("ErrorId")) this.ErrorId = json_obj.ErrorId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("ErrorString")) this.ErrorString = json_obj.ErrorString; } Error.prototype.isError = function() { var empty_error = new Error(); return this.ErrorId != empty_error.ErrorId || this.ErrorString != empty_error.ErrorString; } function Series() { this.Values = []; this.Children = {}; } Series.prototype.toJSONobj = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.Values = this.Values; json_obj.Children = {}; for (var child in this.Children) { if (this.Children.hasOwnProperty(child)) json_obj.Children[child] = this.Children[child].toJSONobj(); } return json_obj; } Series.prototype.fromJSONobj = function(json_obj) { if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Values")) this.Values = json_obj.Values; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Children")) { for (var child in json_obj.Children) { if (json_obj.Children.hasOwnProperty(child)) this.Children[child] = new Series(); this.Children[child].fromJSONobj(json_obj.Children[child]); } } } function Report() { this.ReportId = ""; this.Title = ""; this.Subtitle = ""; this.XAxisLabel = ""; this.YAxisLabel = ""; this.Labels = []; this.Series = {}; } Report.prototype.toJSON = function() { var json_obj = {}; json_obj.ReportId = this.ReportId; json_obj.Title = this.Title; json_obj.Subtitle = this.Subtitle; json_obj.XAxisLabel = this.XAxisLabel; json_obj.YAxisLabel = this.YAxisLabel; json_obj.Labels = this.Labels; json_obj.Series = {}; for (var series in this.Series) { if (this.Series.hasOwnProperty(series)) json_obj.Series[series] = this.Series[series].toJSONobj(); } return JSON.stringify(json_obj); } Report.prototype.fromJSON = function(json_input) { var json_obj = getJSONObj(json_input) if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("ReportId")) this.ReportId = json_obj.ReportId; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Title")) this.Title = json_obj.Title; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Subtitle")) this.Subtitle = json_obj.Subtitle; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("XAxisLabel")) this.XAxisLabel = json_obj.XAxisLabel; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("YAxisLabel")) this.YAxisLabel = json_obj.YAxisLabel; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Labels")) this.Labels = json_obj.Labels; if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty("Series")) { for (var series in json_obj.Series) { if (json_obj.Series.hasOwnProperty(series)) this.Series[series] = new Series(); this.Series[series].fromJSONobj(json_obj.Series[series]); } } } module.exports = models = { // Classes User: User, Session: Session, Security: Security, Account: Account, Split: Split, Transaction: Transaction, Report: Report, Error: Error, // Enums, Lists AccountType: AccountType, AccountTypeList: AccountTypeList, SecurityType: SecurityType, SecurityTypeList: SecurityTypeList, TransactionStatus: TransactionStatus, TransactionStatusList: TransactionStatusList, TransactionStatusMap: TransactionStatusMap, // Constants BogusPassword: "password" };