var d3 = require('d3'); var React = require('react'); class Slice extends React.Component { render() { var center = + " " +; var rotateDegrees = this.props.startAngle * 180 / Math.PI; if (this.props.angle > Math.PI*2 - 0.00001) { var slice = (); } else { var dx = Math.cos(this.props.angle)*this.props.radius - this.props.radius; var dy = Math.sin(this.props.angle)*this.props.radius - 0.00001; var large_arc_flag = this.props.angle > Math.PI ? 1 : 0; var slice = (); } return ( {this.props.title} {slice} ); } } class PieChart extends React.Component { sortedSeries(series) { // Return an array of the non-zero series names, from highest to lowest // sums (in absolute terms) var seriesNames = []; var seriesValues = {}; for (var child in series) { if (series.hasOwnProperty(child)) { var value = series[child].reduce(function(accum, curr, i, arr) { return accum + curr; }, 0); if (value != 0) { seriesValues[child] = value; seriesNames.push(child); } } } seriesNames.sort(function(a, b) { return seriesValues[b] - seriesValues[a]; }); return [seriesNames, seriesValues]; } render() { var height = 400; var width = 400; var legendWidth = 200; var xMargin = 70; var yMargin = 70; var legendEntryHeight = 15; height -= yMargin*2; width -= xMargin*2; var sortedSeriesValues = this.sortedSeries(; var sortedSeries = sortedSeriesValues[0]; var seriesValues = sortedSeriesValues[1]; if (height < legendEntryHeight * sortedSeries.length) height = legendEntryHeight * sortedSeries.length; var radius = Math.min(height, width)/2; var r = d3.scaleLinear() .range([0, 2*Math.PI]) .domain([0, sortedSeries.reduce(function(accum, curr, i, arr) { return accum + Math.abs(seriesValues[curr]); }, 0)]); var slices = []; // Add all the slices var legendMap = {}; var childId=1; var startAngle = 0; for (var i=0; i < sortedSeries.length; i++) { var child = sortedSeries[i]; var value = seriesValues[child]; var sliceClasses = "chart-element chart-color" + (childId % 12); var self = this; var sliceOnClick = function() { var childName = child; var onSelectSeries = self.props.onSelectSeries; return function() { onSelectSeries(childName); }; }(); var radians = r(Math.abs(value)); var title = child + ": " + value; slices.push(( )); legendMap[child] = childId; childId++; startAngle += radians; } var legend = []; for (var series in legendMap) { var legendClasses = "chart-color" + (legendMap[series] % 12); var legendY = (legendMap[series] - 1)*legendEntryHeight; legend.push(( )); legend.push(( {series} )); } return ( {slices} {legend} ); } } module.exports = PieChart;