[moneygo] # Whether to serve as FastCGI (default is false, for HTTPS) fcgi = true # Port on which to serve HTTPS or FCGI port = 9001 # Base directory for serving files out of. This should point to the root of the # moneygo source directory base-directory = src/github.com/aclindsa/moneygo/ # Type of database being used (sqlite3, mysql, postgres) db-type = postgres # 'Data Source Name' for the database being used. This is driver-specific. See # the following examples and external resources for more information about # configuring this for your particular database configuration: # # Sqlite example DSN: "file:moneygo.sqlite?cache=shared&mode=rwc" # MySQL documentation: https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/#dsn-data-source-name # example DSN: "user:password@tcp(localhost)/dbname&parseTime=true" # (Note: MySQL DSN's *must* include the # "parseTime=true" parameter) # Postgres documentation: https://godoc.org/github.com/lib/pq # example DSN: "postgres://user:password@localhost/dbname" db-dsn = postgres://moneygo_test@localhost/moneygo_test?sslmode=disable [https] # If 'fcgi = false', the following paths to a SSL certificate and the paired # private key are used when serving HTTPS cert-file = ./cert.pem key-file = ./key.pem # Attempt to generate self-signed certificates if the certificate files # specified above are missing or invalid. This should *never* be set to 'true' # for any environment where security is important (including but not limited to # production systems) generate-certs-if-absent = false # A CSV list of hostnames to generate the above certs for generate-certs-hosts = localhost,