package config_test import ( "" "testing" ) func TestSqliteHTTPSConfig(t *testing.T) { cfg, err := config.ReadConfig("./testdata/sqlite_https_config.ini") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error parsing config: %s\n", err) } if cfg.MoneyGo.Fcgi { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.Fcgi unexpectedly true") } if cfg.MoneyGo.Port != 8443 { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.Port %d instead of 8443", cfg.MoneyGo.Port) } if cfg.MoneyGo.Basedir != "src/" { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.Basedir not correct") } if cfg.MoneyGo.DBType != config.SQLite { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.DBType not config.SQLite") } if cfg.MoneyGo.DSN != "file:moneygo.sqlite?cache=shared&mode=rwc" { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.DSN not correct") } if cfg.Https.CertFile != "./cert.pem" { t.Errorf("Https.CertFile '%s', not ./cert.pem", cfg.Https.CertFile) } if cfg.Https.KeyFile != "./key.pem" { t.Errorf("Https.KeyFile '%s', not ./key.pem", cfg.Https.KeyFile) } if cfg.Https.GenerateCerts { t.Errorf("Https.GenerateCerts not false") } if cfg.Https.GenerateCertsHosts != "localhost," { t.Errorf("Https.GenerateCertsHosts '%s', not localhost", cfg.Https.GenerateCertsHosts) } } func TestPostgresFcgiConfig(t *testing.T) { cfg, err := config.ReadConfig("./testdata/postgres_fcgi_config.ini") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error parsing config: %s\n", err) } if !cfg.MoneyGo.Fcgi { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.Fcgi unexpectedly false") } if cfg.MoneyGo.Port != 9001 { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.Port %d instead of 9001", cfg.MoneyGo.Port) } if cfg.MoneyGo.Basedir != "src/" { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.Basedir not correct") } if cfg.MoneyGo.DBType != config.Postgres { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.DBType not config.Postgres") } if cfg.MoneyGo.DSN != "postgres://moneygo_test@localhost/moneygo_test?sslmode=disable" { t.Errorf("MoneyGo.DSN not correct") } } func TestGenerateCertsConfig(t *testing.T) { cfg, err := config.ReadConfig("./testdata/generate_certs_config.ini") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error parsing config: %s\n", err) } if cfg.Https.CertFile != "./local_cert.pem" { t.Errorf("Https.CertFile '%s', not ./local_cert.pem", cfg.Https.CertFile) } if cfg.Https.KeyFile != "./local_key.pem" { t.Errorf("Https.KeyFile '%s', not ./local_key.pem", cfg.Https.KeyFile) } if !cfg.Https.GenerateCerts { t.Errorf("Https.GenerateCerts not true") } if cfg.Https.GenerateCertsHosts != "" { t.Errorf("Https.GenerateCertsHosts '%s', not", cfg.Https.GenerateCertsHosts) } } func TestNonexistentConfig(t *testing.T) { cfg, err := config.ReadConfig("./testdata/nonexistent_config.ini") if err == nil || cfg != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error parsing nonexistent config") } }