package main import ( "encoding/json" "" "net/http" ) const luaReportTypeName = "report" const luaSeriesTypeName = "series" type Series struct { Values []float64 Children map[string]*Series } type Report struct { Title string Subtitle string XAxisLabel string YAxisLabel string Labels []string Series map[string]*Series } func (r *Report) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error { enc := json.NewEncoder(w) return enc.Encode(r) } func luaRegisterReports(L *lua.LState) { mtr := L.NewTypeMetatable(luaReportTypeName) L.SetGlobal("report", mtr) L.SetField(mtr, "new", L.NewFunction(luaReportNew)) L.SetField(mtr, "__index", L.NewFunction(luaReport__index)) L.SetField(mtr, "__metatable", lua.LString("protected")) mts := L.NewTypeMetatable(luaSeriesTypeName) L.SetGlobal("series", mts) L.SetField(mts, "__index", L.NewFunction(luaSeries__index)) L.SetField(mts, "__metatable", lua.LString("protected")) } // Checks whether the first lua argument is a *LUserData with *Report and returns *Report func luaCheckReport(L *lua.LState, n int) *Report { ud := L.CheckUserData(n) if report, ok := ud.Value.(*Report); ok { return report } L.ArgError(n, "report expected") return nil } // Checks whether the first lua argument is a *LUserData with *Series and returns *Series func luaCheckSeries(L *lua.LState, n int) *Series { ud := L.CheckUserData(n) if series, ok := ud.Value.(*Series); ok { return series } L.ArgError(n, "series expected") return nil } func luaReportNew(L *lua.LState) int { numvalues := L.CheckInt(1) ud := L.NewUserData() ud.Value = &Report{ Labels: make([]string, numvalues), Series: make(map[string]*Series), } L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaReportTypeName)) L.Push(ud) return 1 } func luaReport__index(L *lua.LState) int { field := L.CheckString(2) switch field { case "Label", "label": L.Push(L.NewFunction(luaReportLabel)) case "Series", "series": L.Push(L.NewFunction(luaReportSeries)) default: L.ArgError(2, "unexpected report attribute: "+field) } return 1 } func luaReportLabel(L *lua.LState) int { report := luaCheckReport(L, 1) labelnumber := L.CheckInt(2) label := L.CheckString(3) if labelnumber > cap(report.Labels) || labelnumber < 1 { L.ArgError(2, "Label index must be between 1 and the number of data points, inclusive") } report.Labels[labelnumber-1] = label return 0 } func luaReportSeries(L *lua.LState) int { report := luaCheckReport(L, 1) name := L.CheckString(2) ud := L.NewUserData() s, ok := report.Series[name] if ok { ud.Value = s } else { report.Series[name] = &Series{ Children: make(map[string]*Series), Values: make([]float64, cap(report.Labels)), } ud.Value = report.Series[name] } L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaSeriesTypeName)) L.Push(ud) return 1 } func luaSeries__index(L *lua.LState) int { field := L.CheckString(2) switch field { case "Value", "value": L.Push(L.NewFunction(luaSeriesValue)) case "Series", "series", "Child", "child": L.Push(L.NewFunction(luaSeriesChildren)) default: L.ArgError(2, "unexpected series attribute: "+field) } return 1 } func luaSeriesValue(L *lua.LState) int { series := luaCheckSeries(L, 1) valuenumber := L.CheckInt(2) value := float64(L.CheckNumber(3)) if valuenumber > cap(series.Values) || valuenumber < 1 { L.ArgError(2, "value index must be between 1 and the number of data points, inclusive") } series.Values[valuenumber-1] = value return 0 } func luaSeriesChildren(L *lua.LState) int { parent := luaCheckSeries(L, 1) name := L.CheckString(2) ud := L.NewUserData() s, ok := parent.Children[name] if ok { ud.Value = s } else { parent.Children[name] = &Series{ Children: make(map[string]*Series), Values: make([]float64, cap(parent.Values)), } ud.Value = parent.Children[name] } L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaSeriesTypeName)) L.Push(ud) return 1 }