var ReportConstants = require('../constants/ReportConstants'); var ErrorActions = require('./ErrorActions'); var models = require('../models.js'); var Report = models.Report; var Tabulation = models.Tabulation; var Error = models.Error; function fetchReports() { return { type: ReportConstants.FETCH_REPORTS } } function reportsFetched(reports) { return { type: ReportConstants.REPORTS_FETCHED, reports: reports } } function createReport() { return { type: ReportConstants.CREATE_REPORT } } function reportCreated(report) { return { type: ReportConstants.REPORT_CREATED, report: report } } function updateReport() { return { type: ReportConstants.UPDATE_REPORT } } function reportUpdated(report) { return { type: ReportConstants.REPORT_UPDATED, report: report } } function removeReport() { return { type: ReportConstants.REMOVE_REPORT } } function reportRemoved(reportId) { return { type: ReportConstants.REPORT_REMOVED, reportId: reportId } } function reportSelected(report) { return { type: ReportConstants.REPORT_SELECTED, report: report } } function tabulateReport(report) { return { type: ReportConstants.TABULATE_REPORT, report: report } } function reportTabulated(report, tabulation) { return { type: ReportConstants.REPORT_TABULATED, report: report, tabulation: tabulation } } function selectionCleared() { return { type: ReportConstants.SELECTION_CLEARED } } function seriesSelected(flattenedTabulation, seriesTraversal) { return { type: ReportConstants.SERIES_SELECTED, tabulation: flattenedTabulation, seriesTraversal: seriesTraversal } } function fetchAll() { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(fetchReports()); $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "json", url: "report/", success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { dispatch(ErrorActions.serverError(e)); } else { dispatch(reportsFetched( { var r = new Report(); r.fromJSON(json); return r; }))); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(ErrorActions.ajaxError(error)); } }); }; } function create(report) { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(createReport()); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "report/", data: {report: report.toJSON()}, success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { dispatch(ErrorActions.serverError(e)); } else { var a = new Report(); a.fromJSON(data); dispatch(reportCreated(a)); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(ErrorActions.ajaxError(error)); } }); }; } function update(report) { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(updateReport()); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", dataType: "json", url: "report/"+report.ReportId+"/", data: {report: report.toJSON()}, success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { dispatch(ErrorActions.serverError(e)); } else { var a = new Report(); a.fromJSON(data); dispatch(reportUpdated(a)); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(ErrorActions.ajaxError(error)); } }); }; } function remove(report) { return function(dispatch) { dispatch(removeReport()); $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", dataType: "json", url: "report/"+report.ReportId+"/", success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { dispatch(ErrorActions.serverError(e)); } else { dispatch(reportRemoved(report.ReportId)); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(ErrorActions.ajaxError(error)); } }); }; } function tabulate(report) { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(tabulateReport(report)); $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "json", url: "report/"+report.ReportId+"/tabulation/", success: function(data, status, jqXHR) { var e = new Error(); e.fromJSON(data); if (e.isError()) { dispatch(ErrorActions.serverError(e)); } else { var t = new Tabulation(); t.fromJSON(data); dispatch(reportTabulated(report, t)); } }, error: function(jqXHR, status, error) { dispatch(ErrorActions.ajaxError(error)); } }); }; } function selectSeries(tabulation, seriesTraversal) { return function (dispatch) { if (!seriesTraversal) seriesTraversal = []; // Descend the tree to the right series to flatten var series = tabulation; for (var i=0; i < seriesTraversal.length; i++) { if (!series.Series.hasOwnProperty(seriesTraversal[i])) { dispatch(ErrorActions.clientError("Invalid series")); return; } series = series.Series[seriesTraversal[i]]; } // Actually flatten the data var flattenedSeries = series.mapReduceChildren(null, function(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array) { return accumulator + currentValue; } ); // Add back in any values from the current level if (series.hasOwnProperty('Values')) flattenedSeries[Tabulation.topLevelSeriesName()] = series.Values; var flattenedTabulation = new Tabulation(); flattenedTabulation.ReportId = tabulation.ReportId; flattenedTabulation.Title = tabulation.Title; flattenedTabulation.Subtitle = tabulation.Subtitle; flattenedTabulation.Units = tabulation.Units; flattenedTabulation.Labels = tabulation.Labels.slice(); flattenedTabulation.FlattenedSeries = flattenedSeries; dispatch(seriesSelected(flattenedTabulation, seriesTraversal)); }; } module.exports = { fetchAll: fetchAll, create: create, update: update, remove: remove, tabulate: tabulate, select: reportSelected, selectSeries: selectSeries };