mirror of https://github.com/aclindsa/moneygo.git synced 2024-12-26 07:33:21 -05:00

lua: Add 'report' and 'series' type for returning reports

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Lindsay 2017-02-11 06:06:45 -05:00
parent 6143924ed3
commit 16a8316c70
2 changed files with 247 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ package main
import (
@ -21,23 +23,7 @@ const (
const luaTimeoutSeconds time.Duration = 5 // maximum time a lua request can run for
func ReportHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
user, err := GetUserFromSession(r)
if err != nil {
WriteError(w, 1 /*Not Signed In*/)
if r.Method == "GET" {
var reportname string
n, err := GetURLPieces(r.URL.Path, "/report/%s", &reportname)
if err != nil || n != 1 {
WriteError(w, 3 /*Invalid Request*/)
reportpath := path.Join(baseDir, "reports", reportname+".lua")
func runReport(user *User, reportpath string) (*Report, error) {
// Create a new LState without opening the default libs for security
L := lua.NewState(lua.Options{SkipOpenLibs: true})
defer L.Close()
@ -63,9 +49,7 @@ func ReportHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
NRet: 0,
Protect: true,
}, lua.LString(pair.n)); err != nil {
WriteError(w, 999 /*Internal Error*/)
return nil, errors.New("Error initializing Lua packages")
@ -73,12 +57,67 @@ func ReportHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err = L.DoFile(reportpath)
err := L.DoFile(reportpath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := L.CallByParam(lua.P{
Fn: L.GetGlobal("generate"),
NRet: 1,
Protect: true,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
value := L.Get(-1)
if ud, ok := value.(*lua.LUserData); ok {
if report, ok := ud.Value.(*Report); ok {
return report, nil
} else {
return nil, errors.New("generate() in " + reportpath + " didn't return a report")
} else {
return nil, errors.New("generate() in " + reportpath + " didn't return a report")
func ReportHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
user, err := GetUserFromSession(r)
if err != nil {
WriteError(w, 1 /*Not Signed In*/)
if r.Method == "GET" {
var reportname string
n, err := GetURLPieces(r.URL.Path, "/report/%s", &reportname)
if err != nil || n != 1 {
WriteError(w, 3 /*Invalid Request*/)
log.Print("lua:" + err.Error())
reportpath := path.Join(baseDir, "reports", reportname+".lua")
report_stat, err := os.Stat(reportpath)
if err != nil || !report_stat.Mode().IsRegular() {
WriteError(w, 3 /*Invalid Request*/)
report, err := runReport(user, reportpath)
if err != nil {
WriteError(w, 999 /*Internal Error*/)
err = report.Write(w)
if err != nil {
WriteError(w, 999 /*Internal Error*/)

reports_lua.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package main
import (
const luaReportTypeName = "report"
const luaSeriesTypeName = "series"
type Series struct {
Values []float64
Children map[string]*Series
type Report struct {
Title string
Subtitle string
XAxisLabel string
YAxisLabel string
Labels []string
Series map[string]*Series
func (r *Report) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(r)
func luaRegisterReports(L *lua.LState) {
mtr := L.NewTypeMetatable(luaReportTypeName)
L.SetGlobal("report", mtr)
L.SetField(mtr, "new", L.NewFunction(luaReportNew))
L.SetField(mtr, "__index", L.NewFunction(luaReport__index))
L.SetField(mtr, "__metatable", lua.LString("protected"))
mts := L.NewTypeMetatable(luaSeriesTypeName)
L.SetGlobal("series", mts)
L.SetField(mts, "__index", L.NewFunction(luaSeries__index))
L.SetField(mts, "__metatable", lua.LString("protected"))
// Checks whether the first lua argument is a *LUserData with *Report and returns *Report
func luaCheckReport(L *lua.LState, n int) *Report {
ud := L.CheckUserData(n)
if report, ok := ud.Value.(*Report); ok {
return report
L.ArgError(n, "report expected")
return nil
// Checks whether the first lua argument is a *LUserData with *Series and returns *Series
func luaCheckSeries(L *lua.LState, n int) *Series {
ud := L.CheckUserData(n)
if series, ok := ud.Value.(*Series); ok {
return series
L.ArgError(n, "series expected")
return nil
func luaReportNew(L *lua.LState) int {
numvalues := L.CheckInt(1)
ud := L.NewUserData()
ud.Value = &Report{
Labels: make([]string, numvalues),
Series: make(map[string]*Series),
L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaReportTypeName))
return 1
func luaReport__index(L *lua.LState) int {
field := L.CheckString(2)
switch field {
case "Label", "label":
case "Series", "series":
L.ArgError(2, "unexpected report attribute: "+field)
return 1
func luaReportLabel(L *lua.LState) int {
report := luaCheckReport(L, 1)
labelnumber := L.CheckInt(2)
label := L.CheckString(3)
if labelnumber > cap(report.Labels) || labelnumber < 1 {
L.ArgError(2, "Label index must be between 1 and the number of data points, inclusive")
report.Labels[labelnumber-1] = label
return 0
func luaReportSeries(L *lua.LState) int {
report := luaCheckReport(L, 1)
name := L.CheckString(2)
ud := L.NewUserData()
s, ok := report.Series[name]
if ok {
ud.Value = s
} else {
report.Series[name] = &Series{
Children: make(map[string]*Series),
Values: make([]float64, cap(report.Labels)),
ud.Value = report.Series[name]
L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaSeriesTypeName))
return 1
func luaSeries__index(L *lua.LState) int {
field := L.CheckString(2)
switch field {
case "Value", "value":
case "Series", "series", "Child", "child":
L.ArgError(2, "unexpected series attribute: "+field)
return 1
func luaSeriesValue(L *lua.LState) int {
series := luaCheckSeries(L, 1)
valuenumber := L.CheckInt(2)
value := float64(L.CheckNumber(3))
if valuenumber > cap(series.Values) || valuenumber < 1 {
L.ArgError(2, "value index must be between 1 and the number of data points, inclusive")
series.Values[valuenumber-1] = value
return 0
func luaSeriesChildren(L *lua.LState) int {
parent := luaCheckSeries(L, 1)
name := L.CheckString(2)
ud := L.NewUserData()
s, ok := parent.Children[name]
if ok {
ud.Value = s
} else {
parent.Children[name] = &Series{
Children: make(map[string]*Series),
Values: make([]float64, cap(parent.Values)),
ud.Value = parent.Children[name]
L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaSeriesTypeName))
return 1