mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:38:24 -05:00
Split accounts and transactions into models
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ func GetDbMap(db *sql.DB, dbtype config.DbType) (*gorp.DbMap, error) {
dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: dialect}
dbmap.AddTableWithName(models.User{}, "users").SetKeys(true, "UserId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(models.Session{}, "sessions").SetKeys(true, "SessionId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(handlers.Account{}, "accounts").SetKeys(true, "AccountId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(models.Account{}, "accounts").SetKeys(true, "AccountId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(models.Security{}, "securities").SetKeys(true, "SecurityId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(handlers.Transaction{}, "transactions").SetKeys(true, "TransactionId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(handlers.Split{}, "splits").SetKeys(true, "SplitId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(models.Transaction{}, "transactions").SetKeys(true, "TransactionId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(models.Split{}, "splits").SetKeys(true, "SplitId")
dbmap.AddTableWithName(handlers.Price{}, "prices").SetKeys(true, "PriceId")
rtable := dbmap.AddTableWithName(handlers.Report{}, "reports").SetKeys(true, "ReportId")
rtable.ColMap("Lua").SetMaxSize(handlers.LuaMaxLength + luaMaxLengthBuffer)
@ -1,127 +1,14 @@
package handlers
import (
type AccountType int64
const (
Bank AccountType = 1 // start at 1 so that the default (0) is invalid
Cash = 2
Asset = 3
Liability = 4
Investment = 5
Income = 6
Expense = 7
Trading = 8
Equity = 9
Receivable = 10
Payable = 11
var AccountTypes = []AccountType{
func (t AccountType) String() string {
switch t {
case Bank:
return "Bank"
case Cash:
return "Cash"
case Asset:
return "Asset"
case Liability:
return "Liability"
case Investment:
return "Investment"
case Income:
return "Income"
case Expense:
return "Expense"
case Trading:
return "Trading"
case Equity:
return "Equity"
case Receivable:
return "Receivable"
case Payable:
return "Payable"
return ""
type Account struct {
AccountId int64
ExternalAccountId string
UserId int64
SecurityId int64
ParentAccountId int64 // -1 if this account is at the root
Type AccountType
Name string
// monotonically-increasing account transaction version number. Used for
// allowing a client to ensure they have a consistent version when paging
// through transactions.
AccountVersion int64 `json:"Version"`
// Optional fields specifying how to fetch transactions from a bank via OFX
OFXURL string
OFXORG string
OFXFID string
OFXUser string
OFXBankID string // OFX BankID (BrokerID if AcctType == Investment)
OFXAcctID string
OFXAcctType string // ofxgo.acctType
OFXClientUID string
OFXAppID string
OFXAppVer string
OFXVersion string
OFXNoIndent bool
type AccountList struct {
Accounts *[]Account `json:"accounts"`
func (a *Account) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(a)
func (a *Account) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(a)
func (al *AccountList) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(al)
func (al *AccountList) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(al)
func GetAccount(tx *Tx, accountid int64, userid int64) (*Account, error) {
var a Account
func GetAccount(tx *Tx, accountid int64, userid int64) (*models.Account, error) {
var a models.Account
err := tx.SelectOne(&a, "SELECT * from accounts where UserId=? AND AccountId=?", userid, accountid)
if err != nil {
@ -130,8 +17,8 @@ func GetAccount(tx *Tx, accountid int64, userid int64) (*Account, error) {
return &a, nil
func GetAccounts(tx *Tx, userid int64) (*[]Account, error) {
var accounts []Account
func GetAccounts(tx *Tx, userid int64) (*[]models.Account, error) {
var accounts []models.Account
_, err := tx.Select(&accounts, "SELECT * from accounts where UserId=?", userid)
if err != nil {
@ -142,9 +29,9 @@ func GetAccounts(tx *Tx, userid int64) (*[]Account, error) {
// Get (and attempt to create if it doesn't exist). Matches on UserId,
// SecurityId, Type, Name, and ParentAccountId
func GetCreateAccount(tx *Tx, a Account) (*Account, error) {
var accounts []Account
var account Account
func GetCreateAccount(tx *Tx, a models.Account) (*models.Account, error) {
var accounts []models.Account
var account models.Account
// Try to find the top-level trading account
_, err := tx.Select(&accounts, "SELECT * from accounts where UserId=? AND SecurityId=? AND Type=? AND Name=? AND ParentAccountId=? ORDER BY AccountId ASC LIMIT 1", a.UserId, a.SecurityId, a.Type, a.Name, a.ParentAccountId)
@ -170,9 +57,9 @@ func GetCreateAccount(tx *Tx, a Account) (*Account, error) {
// Get (and attempt to create if it doesn't exist) the security/currency
// trading account for the supplied security/currency
func GetTradingAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, error) {
var tradingAccount Account
var account Account
func GetTradingAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*models.Account, error) {
var tradingAccount models.Account
var account models.Account
user, err := GetUser(tx, userid)
if err != nil {
@ -180,7 +67,7 @@ func GetTradingAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, error)
tradingAccount.UserId = userid
tradingAccount.Type = Trading
tradingAccount.Type = models.Trading
tradingAccount.Name = "Trading"
tradingAccount.SecurityId = user.DefaultCurrency
tradingAccount.ParentAccountId = -1
@ -200,7 +87,7 @@ func GetTradingAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, error)
account.Name = security.Name
account.ParentAccountId = ta.AccountId
account.SecurityId = securityid
account.Type = Trading
account.Type = models.Trading
a, err := GetCreateAccount(tx, account)
if err != nil {
@ -212,9 +99,9 @@ func GetTradingAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, error)
// Get (and attempt to create if it doesn't exist) the security/currency
// imbalance account for the supplied security/currency
func GetImbalanceAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, error) {
var imbalanceAccount Account
var account Account
func GetImbalanceAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*models.Account, error) {
var imbalanceAccount models.Account
var account models.Account
xxxtemplate := FindSecurityTemplate("XXX", models.Currency)
if xxxtemplate == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Couldn't find XXX security template")
@ -228,7 +115,7 @@ func GetImbalanceAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, erro
imbalanceAccount.Name = "Imbalances"
imbalanceAccount.ParentAccountId = -1
imbalanceAccount.SecurityId = xxxsecurity.SecurityId
imbalanceAccount.Type = Bank
imbalanceAccount.Type = models.Bank
// Find/create the top-level trading account
ia, err := GetCreateAccount(tx, imbalanceAccount)
@ -245,7 +132,7 @@ func GetImbalanceAccount(tx *Tx, userid int64, securityid int64) (*Account, erro
account.Name = security.Name
account.ParentAccountId = ia.AccountId
account.SecurityId = securityid
account.Type = Bank
account.Type = models.Bank
a, err := GetCreateAccount(tx, account)
if err != nil {
@ -273,7 +160,7 @@ func (cae CircularAccountsError) Error() string {
return "Would result in circular account relationship"
func insertUpdateAccount(tx *Tx, a *Account, insert bool) error {
func insertUpdateAccount(tx *Tx, a *models.Account, insert bool) error {
found := make(map[int64]bool)
if !insert {
found[a.AccountId] = true
@ -286,7 +173,7 @@ func insertUpdateAccount(tx *Tx, a *Account, insert bool) error {
return TooMuchNestingError{}
var a Account
var a models.Account
err := tx.SelectOne(&a, "SELECT * from accounts where AccountId=?", parentid)
if err != nil {
return ParentAccountMissingError{}
@ -329,15 +216,15 @@ func insertUpdateAccount(tx *Tx, a *Account, insert bool) error {
return nil
func InsertAccount(tx *Tx, a *Account) error {
func InsertAccount(tx *Tx, a *models.Account) error {
return insertUpdateAccount(tx, a, true)
func UpdateAccount(tx *Tx, a *Account) error {
func UpdateAccount(tx *Tx, a *models.Account) error {
return insertUpdateAccount(tx, a, false)
func DeleteAccount(tx *Tx, a *Account) error {
func DeleteAccount(tx *Tx, a *models.Account) error {
if a.ParentAccountId != -1 {
// Re-parent splits to this account's parent account if this account isn't a root account
_, err := tx.Exec("UPDATE splits SET AccountId=? WHERE AccountId=?", a.ParentAccountId, a.AccountId)
@ -384,7 +271,7 @@ func AccountHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter {
return AccountImportHandler(context, r, user, accountid)
var account Account
var account models.Account
if err := ReadJSON(r, &account); err != nil {
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
@ -415,7 +302,7 @@ func AccountHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter {
} else if r.Method == "GET" {
if context.LastLevel() {
//Return all Accounts
var al AccountList
var al models.AccountList
accounts, err := GetAccounts(context.Tx, user.UserId)
if err != nil {
@ -447,7 +334,7 @@ func AccountHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter {
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
if r.Method == "PUT" {
var account Account
var account models.Account
if err := ReadJSON(r, &account); err != nil || account.AccountId != accountid {
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import (
const luaAccountTypeName = "account"
func luaContextGetAccounts(L *lua.LState) (map[int64]*Account, error) {
var account_map map[int64]*Account
func luaContextGetAccounts(L *lua.LState) (map[int64]*models.Account, error) {
var account_map map[int64]*models.Account
ctx := L.Context()
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func luaContextGetAccounts(L *lua.LState) (map[int64]*Account, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Couldn't find tx in lua's Context")
account_map, ok = ctx.Value(accountsContextKey).(map[int64]*Account)
account_map, ok = ctx.Value(accountsContextKey).(map[int64]*models.Account)
if !ok {
user, ok := ctx.Value(userContextKey).(*models.User)
if !ok {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func luaContextGetAccounts(L *lua.LState) (map[int64]*Account, error) {
return nil, err
account_map = make(map[int64]*Account)
account_map = make(map[int64]*models.Account)
for i := range *accounts {
account_map[(*accounts)[i].AccountId] = &(*accounts)[i]
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func luaRegisterAccounts(L *lua.LState) {
L.SetField(mt, "__eq", L.NewFunction(luaAccount__eq))
L.SetField(mt, "__metatable", lua.LString("protected"))
for _, accttype := range AccountTypes {
for _, accttype := range models.AccountTypes {
L.SetField(mt, accttype.String(), lua.LNumber(float64(accttype)))
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func luaRegisterAccounts(L *lua.LState) {
L.SetGlobal("get_accounts", getAccountsFn)
func AccountToLua(L *lua.LState, account *Account) *lua.LUserData {
func AccountToLua(L *lua.LState, account *models.Account) *lua.LUserData {
ud := L.NewUserData()
ud.Value = account
L.SetMetatable(ud, L.GetTypeMetatable(luaAccountTypeName))
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ func AccountToLua(L *lua.LState, account *Account) *lua.LUserData {
// Checks whether the first lua argument is a *LUserData with *Account and returns this *Account.
func luaCheckAccount(L *lua.LState, n int) *Account {
func luaCheckAccount(L *lua.LState, n int) *models.Account {
ud := L.CheckUserData(n)
if account, ok := ud.Value.(*Account); ok {
if account, ok := ud.Value.(*models.Account); ok {
return account
L.ArgError(n, "account expected")
@ -2,19 +2,20 @@ package handlers_test
import (
func createAccount(client *http.Client, account *handlers.Account) (*handlers.Account, error) {
var a handlers.Account
func createAccount(client *http.Client, account *models.Account) (*models.Account, error) {
var a models.Account
err := create(client, account, &a, "/v1/accounts/")
return &a, err
func getAccount(client *http.Client, accountid int64) (*handlers.Account, error) {
var a handlers.Account
func getAccount(client *http.Client, accountid int64) (*models.Account, error) {
var a models.Account
err := read(client, &a, "/v1/accounts/"+strconv.FormatInt(accountid, 10))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -22,8 +23,8 @@ func getAccount(client *http.Client, accountid int64) (*handlers.Account, error)
return &a, nil
func getAccounts(client *http.Client) (*handlers.AccountList, error) {
var al handlers.AccountList
func getAccounts(client *http.Client) (*models.AccountList, error) {
var al models.AccountList
err := read(client, &al, "/v1/accounts/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ func getAccounts(client *http.Client) (*handlers.AccountList, error) {
return &al, nil
func updateAccount(client *http.Client, account *handlers.Account) (*handlers.Account, error) {
var a handlers.Account
func updateAccount(client *http.Client, account *models.Account) (*models.Account, error) {
var a models.Account
err := update(client, account, &a, "/v1/accounts/"+strconv.FormatInt(account.AccountId, 10))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ func updateAccount(client *http.Client, account *handlers.Account) (*handlers.Ac
return &a, nil
func deleteAccount(client *http.Client, a *handlers.Account) error {
func deleteAccount(client *http.Client, a *models.Account) error {
err := remove(client, "/v1/accounts/"+strconv.FormatInt(a.AccountId, 10))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ func TestUpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
curr := d.accounts[i]
curr.Name = "blah"
curr.Type = handlers.Payable
curr.Type = models.Payable
for _, s := range d.securities {
if s.UserId == curr.UserId {
curr.SecurityId = s.SecurityId
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ func uploadFile(client *http.Client, filename, urlsuffix string) error {
return nil
func accountBalanceHelper(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, account *handlers.Account, balance string) {
func accountBalanceHelper(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, account *models.Account, balance string) {
transactions, err := getAccountTransactions(client, account.AccountId, 0, 0, "")
if err != nil {
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ type GnucashXMLImport struct {
type GnucashImport struct {
Securities []models.Security
Accounts []Account
Transactions []Transaction
Accounts []models.Account
Transactions []models.Transaction
Prices []Price
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ func ImportGnucash(r io.Reader) (*GnucashImport, error) {
//Translate to our account format, figuring out parent relationships
for guid := range accountMap {
ga := accountMap[guid]
var a Account
var a models.Account
a.AccountId = ga.accountid
if ga.ParentAccountId == rootAccount.AccountId {
@ -229,29 +229,29 @@ func ImportGnucash(r io.Reader) (*GnucashImport, error) {
//TODO find account types
switch ga.Type {
a.Type = Bank
a.Type = models.Bank
case "ASSET":
a.Type = Asset
a.Type = models.Asset
case "BANK":
a.Type = Bank
a.Type = models.Bank
case "CASH":
a.Type = Cash
a.Type = models.Cash
a.Type = Liability
a.Type = models.Liability
case "EQUITY":
a.Type = Equity
a.Type = models.Equity
case "EXPENSE":
a.Type = Expense
a.Type = models.Expense
case "INCOME":
a.Type = Income
a.Type = models.Income
case "PAYABLE":
a.Type = Payable
a.Type = models.Payable
a.Type = Receivable
a.Type = models.Receivable
case "MUTUAL", "STOCK":
a.Type = Investment
a.Type = models.Investment
case "TRADING":
a.Type = Trading
a.Type = models.Trading
gncimport.Accounts = append(gncimport.Accounts, a)
@ -261,20 +261,20 @@ func ImportGnucash(r io.Reader) (*GnucashImport, error) {
for i := range gncxml.Transactions {
gt := gncxml.Transactions[i]
t := new(Transaction)
t := new(models.Transaction)
t.Description = gt.Description
t.Date = gt.DatePosted.Date.Time
for j := range gt.Splits {
gs := gt.Splits[j]
s := new(Split)
s := new(models.Split)
switch gs.Status {
default: // 'n', or not present
s.Status = Imported
s.Status = models.Imported
case "c":
s.Status = Cleared
s.Status = models.Cleared
case "y":
s.Status = Reconciled
s.Status = models.Reconciled
account, ok := accountMap[gs.AccountId]
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ func GnucashImportHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWrite
split.AccountId = acctId
exists, err := split.AlreadyImported(context.Tx)
exists, err := SplitAlreadyImported(context.Tx, split)
if err != nil {
log.Print("Error checking if split was already imported:", err)
return NewError(999 /*Internal Error*/)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package handlers_test
import (
@ -32,19 +31,19 @@ func TestImportGnucash(t *testing.T) {
// Next, find the Expenses/Groceries account and verify it's balance
var income, equity, liabilities, expenses, salary, creditcard, groceries, cable, openingbalances *handlers.Account
var income, equity, liabilities, expenses, salary, creditcard, groceries, cable, openingbalances *models.Account
accounts, err := getAccounts(d.clients[0])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error fetching accounts: %s\n", err)
for i, account := range *accounts.Accounts {
if account.Name == "Income" && account.Type == handlers.Income && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
if account.Name == "Income" && account.Type == models.Income && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
income = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Equity" && account.Type == handlers.Equity && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
} else if account.Name == "Equity" && account.Type == models.Equity && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
equity = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Liabilities" && account.Type == handlers.Liability && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
} else if account.Name == "Liabilities" && account.Type == models.Liability && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
liabilities = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Expenses" && account.Type == handlers.Expense && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
} else if account.Name == "Expenses" && account.Type == models.Expense && account.ParentAccountId == -1 {
expenses = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
@ -61,15 +60,15 @@ func TestImportGnucash(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't find 'Expenses' account")
for i, account := range *accounts.Accounts {
if account.Name == "Salary" && account.Type == handlers.Income && account.ParentAccountId == income.AccountId {
if account.Name == "Salary" && account.Type == models.Income && account.ParentAccountId == income.AccountId {
salary = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Opening Balances" && account.Type == handlers.Equity && account.ParentAccountId == equity.AccountId {
} else if account.Name == "Opening Balances" && account.Type == models.Equity && account.ParentAccountId == equity.AccountId {
openingbalances = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Credit Card" && account.Type == handlers.Liability && account.ParentAccountId == liabilities.AccountId {
} else if account.Name == "Credit Card" && account.Type == models.Liability && account.ParentAccountId == liabilities.AccountId {
creditcard = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Groceries" && account.Type == handlers.Expense && account.ParentAccountId == expenses.AccountId {
} else if account.Name == "Groceries" && account.Type == models.Expense && account.ParentAccountId == expenses.AccountId {
groceries = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
} else if account.Name == "Cable" && account.Type == handlers.Expense && account.ParentAccountId == expenses.AccountId {
} else if account.Name == "Cable" && account.Type == models.Expense && account.ParentAccountId == expenses.AccountId {
cable = &(*accounts.Accounts)[i]
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
// TODO Ensure all transactions have at least one split in the account
// we're importing to?
var transactions []Transaction
var transactions []models.Transaction
for _, transaction := range itl.Transactions {
transaction.UserId = user.UserId
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
// and fixup the SecurityId to be a valid one for this user's actual
// securities instead of a placeholder from the import
for _, split := range transaction.Splits {
split.Status = Imported
split.Status = models.Imported
if split.AccountId != -1 {
if split.AccountId != importedAccount.AccountId {
log.Print("Imported split's AccountId wasn't -1 but also didn't match the account")
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
} else if split.SecurityId != -1 {
if sec, ok := securitymap[split.SecurityId]; ok {
// TODO try to auto-match splits to existing accounts based on past transactions that look like this one
if split.ImportSplitType == TradingAccount {
if split.ImportSplitType == models.TradingAccount {
// Find/make trading account if we're that type of split
trading_account, err := GetTradingAccount(tx, user.UserId, sec.SecurityId)
if err != nil {
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
split.AccountId = trading_account.AccountId
split.SecurityId = -1
} else if split.ImportSplitType == SubAccount {
subaccount := &Account{
} else if split.ImportSplitType == models.SubAccount {
subaccount := &models.Account{
UserId: user.UserId,
Name: sec.Name,
ParentAccountId: account.AccountId,
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
imbalances, err := transaction.GetImbalances(tx)
imbalances, err := GetTransactionImbalances(tx, &transaction)
if err != nil {
return NewError(999 /*Internal Error*/)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
// Add new split to fixup imbalance
split := new(Split)
split := new(models.Split)
r := new(big.Rat)
security, err := GetSecurity(tx, imbalanced_security, user.UserId)
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ func ofxImportHelper(tx *Tx, r io.Reader, user *models.User, accountid int64) Re
split.SecurityId = -1
exists, err := split.AlreadyImported(tx)
exists, err := SplitAlreadyImported(tx, split)
if err != nil {
log.Print("Error checking if split was already imported:", err)
return NewError(999 /*Internal Error*/)
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func OFXImportHandler(context *Context, r *http.Request, user *models.User, acco
return NewError(999 /*Internal Error*/)
if account.Type == Investment {
if account.Type == models.Investment {
// Investment account
statementRequest := ofxgo.InvStatementRequest{
TrnUID: *transactionuid,
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import (
type OFXImport struct {
Securities []models.Security
Accounts []Account
Transactions []Transaction
Accounts []models.Account
Transactions []models.Transaction
// Balances map[int64]string // map AccountIDs to ending balances
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetAddCurrency(isoname string) (*models.Security, error) {
return &security, nil
func (i *OFXImport) AddTransaction(tran *ofxgo.Transaction, account *Account) error {
var t Transaction
func (i *OFXImport) AddTransaction(tran *ofxgo.Transaction, account *models.Account) error {
var t models.Transaction
t.Date = tran.DtPosted.UTC()
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) AddTransaction(tran *ofxgo.Transaction, account *Account) er
var s1, s2 Split
var s1, s2 models.Split
if len(tran.ExtdName) > 0 {
s1.Memo = tran.ExtdName.String()
@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ func (i *OFXImport) AddTransaction(tran *ofxgo.Transaction, account *Account) er
s1.RemoteId = "ofx:" + tran.FiTID.String()
// TODO CorrectFiTID/CorrectAction?
s1.ImportSplitType = ImportAccount
s2.ImportSplitType = ExternalAccount
s1.ImportSplitType = models.ImportAccount
s2.ImportSplitType = models.ExternalAccount
security := i.Securities[account.SecurityId-1]
s1.Amount = amt.FloatString(security.Precision)
s2.Amount = amt.Neg(amt).FloatString(security.Precision)
s1.Status = Imported
s2.Status = Imported
s1.Status = models.Imported
s2.Status = models.Imported
s1.AccountId = account.AccountId
s2.AccountId = -1
@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ func (i *OFXImport) importOFXBank(stmt *ofxgo.StatementResponse) error {
return err
account := Account{
account := models.Account{
AccountId: int64(len(i.Accounts) + 1),
ExternalAccountId: stmt.BankAcctFrom.AcctID.String(),
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: Bank,
Type: models.Bank,
if stmt.BankTranList != nil {
@ -149,12 +149,12 @@ func (i *OFXImport) importOFXCC(stmt *ofxgo.CCStatementResponse) error {
return err
account := Account{
account := models.Account{
AccountId: int64(len(i.Accounts) + 1),
ExternalAccountId: stmt.CCAcctFrom.AcctID.String(),
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: Liability,
Type: models.Liability,
i.Accounts = append(i.Accounts, account)
@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ func (i *OFXImport) importSecurities(seclist *ofxgo.SecurityList) error {
return nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvTran(invtran *ofxgo.InvTran) Transaction {
var t Transaction
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvTran(invtran *ofxgo.InvTran) models.Transaction {
var t models.Transaction
t.Description = string(invtran.Memo)
t.Date = invtran.DtTrade.UTC()
return t
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&buy.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(buy.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
if num := commission.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Commission,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Commission,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
if num := taxes.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Taxes,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Taxes,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -278,10 +278,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
if num := fees.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Fees,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Fees,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
if num := load.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Load,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Load,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -301,20 +301,20 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
Amount: load.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
Memo: memo,
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: TradingAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.TradingAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -324,10 +324,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
var units big.Rat
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: SubAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.SubAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -335,10 +335,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
Amount: units.FloatString(security.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: TradingAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.TradingAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + buy.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvBuyTran(buy *ofxgo.InvBuy, curdef *models.Security, ac
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetIncomeTran(income *ofxgo.Income, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetIncomeTran(income *ofxgo.Income, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&income.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(income.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -370,10 +370,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetIncomeTran(income *ofxgo.Income, curdef *models.Security,
total.Mul(&total, &income.Currency.CurRate.Rat)
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + income.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetIncomeTran(income *ofxgo.Income, curdef *models.Security,
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: IncomeAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.IncomeAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + income.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetIncomeTran(income *ofxgo.Income, curdef *models.Security,
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvExpenseTran(expense *ofxgo.InvExpense, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvExpenseTran(expense *ofxgo.InvExpense, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&expense.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(expense.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -415,10 +415,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvExpenseTran(expense *ofxgo.InvExpense, curdef *models.
total.Mul(&total, &expense.Currency.CurRate.Rat)
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + expense.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -426,10 +426,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvExpenseTran(expense *ofxgo.InvExpense, curdef *models.
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ExpenseAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ExpenseAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + expense.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvExpenseTran(expense *ofxgo.InvExpense, curdef *models.
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetMarginInterestTran(marginint *ofxgo.MarginInterest, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetMarginInterestTran(marginint *ofxgo.MarginInterest, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&marginint.InvTran)
memo := string(marginint.InvTran.Memo)
@ -454,10 +454,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetMarginInterestTran(marginint *ofxgo.MarginInterest, curde
total.Mul(&total, &marginint.Currency.CurRate.Rat)
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + marginint.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetMarginInterestTran(marginint *ofxgo.MarginInterest, curde
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: IncomeAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.IncomeAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + marginint.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetMarginInterestTran(marginint *ofxgo.MarginInterest, curde
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&reinvest.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(reinvest.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -518,10 +518,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
if num := commission.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Commission,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Commission,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -530,10 +530,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
if num := taxes.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Taxes,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Taxes,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -542,10 +542,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
if num := fees.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Fees,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Fees,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -554,10 +554,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
if num := load.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Load,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Load,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -565,10 +565,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
Amount: load.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -576,10 +576,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: IncomeAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.IncomeAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -587,20 +587,20 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
Memo: memo,
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: TradingAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.TradingAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -610,10 +610,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
var units big.Rat
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: SubAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.SubAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -621,10 +621,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
Amount: units.FloatString(security.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: TradingAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.TradingAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + reinvest.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetReinvestTran(reinvest *ofxgo.Reinvest, curdef *models.Sec
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetRetOfCapTran(retofcap *ofxgo.RetOfCap, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetRetOfCapTran(retofcap *ofxgo.RetOfCap, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&retofcap.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(retofcap.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -655,10 +655,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetRetOfCapTran(retofcap *ofxgo.RetOfCap, curdef *models.Sec
total.Mul(&total, &retofcap.Currency.CurRate.Rat)
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + retofcap.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -666,10 +666,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetRetOfCapTran(retofcap *ofxgo.RetOfCap, curdef *models.Sec
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: IncomeAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.IncomeAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + retofcap.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetRetOfCapTran(retofcap *ofxgo.RetOfCap, curdef *models.Sec
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&sell.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(sell.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -722,10 +722,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
if num := commission.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Commission,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Commission,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -734,10 +734,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
if num := taxes.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Taxes,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Taxes,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -746,10 +746,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
if num := fees.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Fees,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Fees,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -758,10 +758,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
if num := load.Num(); !num.IsInt64() || num.Int64() != 0 {
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: Load,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.Load,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -769,20 +769,20 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
Amount: load.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ImportAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ImportAccount,
AccountId: account.AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
Memo: memo,
Amount: total.FloatString(curdef.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: TradingAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.TradingAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: curdef.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -792,10 +792,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
var units big.Rat
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: TradingAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.TradingAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -803,10 +803,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
Amount: units.FloatString(security.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: SubAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.SubAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + sell.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetInvSellTran(sell *ofxgo.InvSell, curdef *models.Security,
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) GetTransferTran(transfer *ofxgo.Transfer, account *Account) (*Transaction, error) {
func (i *OFXImport) GetTransferTran(transfer *ofxgo.Transfer, account *models.Account) (*models.Transaction, error) {
t := i.GetInvTran(&transfer.InvTran)
security, err := i.GetSecurityAlternateId(string(transfer.SecID.UniqueID), models.Stock)
@ -834,10 +834,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetTransferTran(transfer *ofxgo.Transfer, account *Account)
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: SubAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.SubAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + transfer.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -845,10 +845,10 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetTransferTran(transfer *ofxgo.Transfer, account *Account)
Amount: units.FloatString(security.Precision),
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &Split{
t.Splits = append(t.Splits, &models.Split{
// TODO ReversalFiTID?
Status: Imported,
ImportSplitType: ExternalAccount,
Status: models.Imported,
ImportSplitType: models.ExternalAccount,
AccountId: -1,
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
RemoteId: "ofx:" + transfer.InvTran.FiTID.String(),
@ -859,12 +859,12 @@ func (i *OFXImport) GetTransferTran(transfer *ofxgo.Transfer, account *Account)
return &t, nil
func (i *OFXImport) AddInvTransaction(invtran *ofxgo.InvTransaction, account *Account, curdef *models.Security) error {
func (i *OFXImport) AddInvTransaction(invtran *ofxgo.InvTransaction, account *models.Account, curdef *models.Security) error {
if curdef.SecurityId < 1 || curdef.SecurityId > int64(len(i.Securities)) {
return errors.New("Internal error: security index not found in OFX import\n")
var t *Transaction
var t *models.Transaction
var err error
if tran, ok := (*invtran).(ofxgo.BuyDebt); ok {
t, err = i.GetInvBuyTran(&tran.InvBuy, curdef, account)
@ -926,12 +926,12 @@ func (i *OFXImport) importOFXInv(stmt *ofxgo.InvStatementResponse) error {
return err
account := Account{
account := models.Account{
AccountId: int64(len(i.Accounts) + 1),
ExternalAccountId: stmt.InvAcctFrom.AcctID.String(),
SecurityId: security.SecurityId,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: Investment,
Type: models.Investment,
i.Accounts = append(i.Accounts, account)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package handlers_test
import (
@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ func findSecurity(client *http.Client, symbol string, tipe models.SecurityType)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find security: \"%s\"", symbol)
func findAccount(client *http.Client, name string, tipe handlers.AccountType, securityid int64) (*handlers.Account, error) {
func findAccount(client *http.Client, name string, tipe models.AccountType, securityid int64) (*models.Account, error) {
accounts, err := getAccounts(client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -105,11 +104,11 @@ func TestImportOFX401kMutualFunds(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Error removing default security: %s\n", err)
account := &handlers.Account{
account := &models.Account{
SecurityId: d.securities[0].SecurityId,
UserId: d.users[0].UserId,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Investment,
Type: models.Investment,
Name: "401k",
@ -130,14 +129,14 @@ func TestImportOFX401kMutualFunds(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error finding VANGUARD TARGET 2045 security: %s\n", err)
tradingaccount, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], "VANGUARD TARGET 2045", handlers.Trading, security.SecurityId)
tradingaccount, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], "VANGUARD TARGET 2045", models.Trading, security.SecurityId)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error finding VANGUARD TARGET 2045 trading account: %s\n", err)
accountBalanceHelper(t, d.clients[0], tradingaccount, "-3.35400")
// Ensure actual holding account was created and in the correct place
investmentaccount, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], "VANGUARD TARGET 2045", handlers.Investment, security.SecurityId)
investmentaccount, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], "VANGUARD TARGET 2045", models.Investment, security.SecurityId)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error finding VANGUARD TARGET 2045 investment account: %s\n", err)
@ -164,11 +163,11 @@ func TestImportOFXBrokerage(t *testing.T) {
// Create the brokerage account
account := &handlers.Account{
account := &models.Account{
SecurityId: d.securities[0].SecurityId,
UserId: d.users[0].UserId,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Investment,
Type: models.Investment,
Name: "Personal Brokerage",
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ func TestImportOFXBrokerage(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure the USD trading account was created and has the right
// value
usdtrading, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], "USD", handlers.Trading, d.users[0].DefaultCurrency)
usdtrading, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], "USD", models.Trading, d.users[0].DefaultCurrency)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error finding USD trading account: %s\n", err)
@ -210,14 +209,14 @@ func TestImportOFXBrokerage(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Error finding security: %s\n", err)
account, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], check.Name, handlers.Investment, security.SecurityId)
account, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], check.Name, models.Investment, security.SecurityId)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error finding trading account: %s\n", err)
accountBalanceHelper(t, d.clients[0], account, check.Balance)
tradingaccount, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], check.Name, handlers.Trading, security.SecurityId)
tradingaccount, err := findAccount(d.clients[0], check.Name, models.Trading, security.SecurityId)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error finding trading account: %s\n", err)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package handlers
import (
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ func luaPrice__index(L *lua.LState) int {
L.Push(SecurityToLua(L, c))
case "Value", "value":
amt, err := GetBigAmount(p.Value)
amt, err := models.GetBigAmount(p.Value)
if err != nil {
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ type TestData struct {
clients []*http.Client
securities []models.Security
prices []handlers.Price
accounts []handlers.Account // accounts must appear after their parents in this slice
transactions []handlers.Transaction
accounts []models.Account // accounts must appear after their parents in this slice
transactions []models.Transaction
reports []handlers.Report
tabulations []handlers.Tabulation
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func (t *TestData) Initialize() (*TestData, error) {
for i, transaction := range t.transactions {
transaction.Splits = []*handlers.Split{}
transaction.Splits = []*models.Split{}
for _, s := range t.transactions[i].Splits {
// Make a copy of the split since Splits is a slice of pointers so
// copying the transaction doesn't
@ -246,78 +246,78 @@ var data = []TestData{
RemoteId: "USDEUR819298714",
accounts: []handlers.Account{
accounts: []models.Account{
UserId: 0,
SecurityId: 0,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Asset,
Type: models.Asset,
Name: "Assets",
UserId: 0,
SecurityId: 0,
ParentAccountId: 0,
Type: handlers.Bank,
Type: models.Bank,
Name: "Credit Union Checking",
UserId: 0,
SecurityId: 0,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Expense,
Type: models.Expense,
Name: "Expenses",
UserId: 0,
SecurityId: 0,
ParentAccountId: 2,
Type: handlers.Expense,
Type: models.Expense,
Name: "Groceries",
UserId: 0,
SecurityId: 0,
ParentAccountId: 2,
Type: handlers.Expense,
Type: models.Expense,
Name: "Cable",
UserId: 1,
SecurityId: 2,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Asset,
Type: models.Asset,
Name: "Assets",
UserId: 1,
SecurityId: 2,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Expense,
Type: models.Expense,
Name: "Expenses",
UserId: 0,
SecurityId: 0,
ParentAccountId: -1,
Type: handlers.Liability,
Type: models.Liability,
Name: "Credit Card",
transactions: []handlers.Transaction{
transactions: []models.Transaction{
UserId: 0,
Description: "weekly groceries",
Date: time.Date(2017, time.October, 15, 1, 16, 59, 0, time.UTC),
Splits: []*handlers.Split{
Splits: []*models.Split{
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: 1,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "-5.6",
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: 3,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "5.6",
@ -328,15 +328,15 @@ var data = []TestData{
UserId: 0,
Description: "weekly groceries",
Date: time.Date(2017, time.October, 31, 19, 10, 14, 0, time.UTC),
Splits: []*handlers.Split{
Splits: []*models.Split{
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: 1,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "-81.59",
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: 3,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "81.59",
@ -347,15 +347,15 @@ var data = []TestData{
UserId: 0,
Description: "Cable",
Date: time.Date(2017, time.September, 2, 0, 00, 00, 0, time.UTC),
Splits: []*handlers.Split{
Splits: []*models.Split{
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: 1,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "-39.99",
Status: handlers.Entered,
Status: models.Entered,
AccountId: 4,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "39.99",
@ -366,15 +366,15 @@ var data = []TestData{
UserId: 1,
Description: "Gas",
Date: time.Date(2017, time.November, 1, 13, 19, 50, 0, time.UTC),
Splits: []*handlers.Split{
Splits: []*models.Split{
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: 5,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "-24.56",
Status: handlers.Entered,
Status: models.Entered,
AccountId: 6,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "24.56",
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package handlers
import (
@ -10,141 +9,17 @@ import (
// Split.Status
const (
Imported int64 = 1
Entered = 2
Cleared = 3
Reconciled = 4
Voided = 5
// Split.ImportSplitType
const (
Default int64 = 0
ImportAccount = 1 // This split belongs to the main account being imported
SubAccount = 2 // This split belongs to a sub-account of that being imported
ExternalAccount = 3
TradingAccount = 4
Commission = 5
Taxes = 6
Fees = 7
Load = 8
IncomeAccount = 9
ExpenseAccount = 10
type Split struct {
SplitId int64
TransactionId int64
Status int64
ImportSplitType int64
// One of AccountId and SecurityId must be -1
// In normal splits, AccountId will be valid and SecurityId will be -1. The
// only case where this is reversed is for transactions that have been
// imported and not yet associated with an account.
AccountId int64
SecurityId int64
RemoteId string // unique ID from server, for detecting duplicates
Number string // Check or reference number
Memo string
Amount string // String representation of decimal, suitable for passing to big.Rat.SetString()
func GetBigAmount(amt string) (*big.Rat, error) {
var r big.Rat
_, success := r.SetString(amt)
if !success {
return nil, errors.New("Couldn't convert string amount to big.Rat via SetString()")
return &r, nil
func (s *Split) GetAmount() (*big.Rat, error) {
return GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
func (s *Split) Valid() bool {
if (s.AccountId == -1) == (s.SecurityId == -1) {
return false
_, err := s.GetAmount()
return err == nil
func (s *Split) AlreadyImported(tx *Tx) (bool, error) {
func SplitAlreadyImported(tx *Tx, s *models.Split) (bool, error) {
count, err := tx.SelectInt("SELECT COUNT(*) from splits where RemoteId=? and AccountId=?", s.RemoteId, s.AccountId)
return count == 1, err
type Transaction struct {
TransactionId int64
UserId int64
Description string
Date time.Time
Splits []*Split `db:"-"`
type TransactionList struct {
Transactions *[]Transaction `json:"transactions"`
type AccountTransactionsList struct {
Account *Account
Transactions *[]Transaction
TotalTransactions int64
BeginningBalance string
EndingBalance string
func (t *Transaction) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(t)
func (t *Transaction) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(t)
func (tl *TransactionList) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(tl)
func (tl *TransactionList) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(tl)
func (atl *AccountTransactionsList) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(atl)
func (atl *AccountTransactionsList) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(atl)
func (t *Transaction) Valid() bool {
for i := range t.Splits {
if !t.Splits[i].Valid() {
return false
return true
// Return a map of security ID's to big.Rat's containing the amount that
// security is imbalanced by
func (t *Transaction) GetImbalances(tx *Tx) (map[int64]big.Rat, error) {
func GetTransactionImbalances(tx *Tx, t *models.Transaction) (map[int64]big.Rat, error) {
sums := make(map[int64]big.Rat)
if !t.Valid() {
@ -155,7 +30,7 @@ func (t *Transaction) GetImbalances(tx *Tx) (map[int64]big.Rat, error) {
securityid := t.Splits[i].SecurityId
if t.Splits[i].AccountId != -1 {
var err error
var account *Account
var account *models.Account
account, err = GetAccount(tx, t.Splits[i].AccountId, t.UserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -172,10 +47,10 @@ func (t *Transaction) GetImbalances(tx *Tx) (map[int64]big.Rat, error) {
// Returns true if all securities contained in this transaction are balanced,
// false otherwise
func (t *Transaction) Balanced(tx *Tx) (bool, error) {
func TransactionBalanced(tx *Tx, t *models.Transaction) (bool, error) {
var zero big.Rat
sums, err := t.GetImbalances(tx)
sums, err := GetTransactionImbalances(tx, t)
if err != nil {
return false, err
@ -188,8 +63,8 @@ func (t *Transaction) Balanced(tx *Tx) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func GetTransaction(tx *Tx, transactionid int64, userid int64) (*Transaction, error) {
var t Transaction
func GetTransaction(tx *Tx, transactionid int64, userid int64) (*models.Transaction, error) {
var t models.Transaction
err := tx.SelectOne(&t, "SELECT * from transactions where UserId=? AND TransactionId=?", userid, transactionid)
if err != nil {
@ -204,8 +79,8 @@ func GetTransaction(tx *Tx, transactionid int64, userid int64) (*Transaction, er
return &t, nil
func GetTransactions(tx *Tx, userid int64) (*[]Transaction, error) {
var transactions []Transaction
func GetTransactions(tx *Tx, userid int64) (*[]models.Transaction, error) {
var transactions []models.Transaction
_, err := tx.Select(&transactions, "SELECT * from transactions where UserId=?", userid)
if err != nil {
@ -246,7 +121,7 @@ func (ame AccountMissingError) Error() string {
return "Account missing"
func InsertTransaction(tx *Tx, t *Transaction, user *models.User) error {
func InsertTransaction(tx *Tx, t *models.Transaction, user *models.User) error {
// Map of any accounts with transaction splits being added
a_map := make(map[int64]bool)
for i := range t.Splits {
@ -296,8 +171,8 @@ func InsertTransaction(tx *Tx, t *Transaction, user *models.User) error {
return nil
func UpdateTransaction(tx *Tx, t *Transaction, user *models.User) error {
var existing_splits []*Split
func UpdateTransaction(tx *Tx, t *models.Transaction, user *models.User) error {
var existing_splits []*models.Split
_, err := tx.Select(&existing_splits, "SELECT * from splits where TransactionId=?", t.TransactionId)
if err != nil {
@ -373,7 +248,7 @@ func UpdateTransaction(tx *Tx, t *Transaction, user *models.User) error {
return nil
func DeleteTransaction(tx *Tx, t *Transaction, user *models.User) error {
func DeleteTransaction(tx *Tx, t *models.Transaction, user *models.User) error {
var accountids []int64
_, err := tx.Select(&accountids, "SELECT DISTINCT AccountId FROM splits WHERE TransactionId=? AND AccountId != -1", t.TransactionId)
if err != nil {
@ -408,7 +283,7 @@ func TransactionHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter
if r.Method == "POST" {
var transaction Transaction
var transaction models.Transaction
if err := ReadJSON(r, &transaction); err != nil {
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
@ -427,7 +302,7 @@ func TransactionHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter
balanced, err := transaction.Balanced(context.Tx)
balanced, err := TransactionBalanced(context.Tx, &transaction)
if err != nil {
return NewError(999 /*Internal Error*/)
@ -449,7 +324,7 @@ func TransactionHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter
} else if r.Method == "GET" {
if context.LastLevel() {
//Return all Transactions
var al TransactionList
var al models.TransactionList
transactions, err := GetTransactions(context.Tx, user.UserId)
if err != nil {
@ -475,13 +350,13 @@ func TransactionHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
if r.Method == "PUT" {
var transaction Transaction
var transaction models.Transaction
if err := ReadJSON(r, &transaction); err != nil || transaction.TransactionId != transactionid {
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
transaction.UserId = user.UserId
balanced, err := transaction.Balanced(context.Tx)
balanced, err := TransactionBalanced(context.Tx, &transaction)
if err != nil {
return NewError(999 /*Internal Error*/)
@ -526,7 +401,7 @@ func TransactionHandler(r *http.Request, context *Context) ResponseWriterWriter
return NewError(3 /*Invalid Request*/)
func TransactionsBalanceDifference(tx *Tx, accountid int64, transactions []Transaction) (*big.Rat, error) {
func TransactionsBalanceDifference(tx *Tx, accountid int64, transactions []models.Transaction) (*big.Rat, error) {
var pageDifference, tmp big.Rat
for i := range transactions {
_, err := tx.Select(&transactions[i].Splits, "SELECT * FROM splits where TransactionId=?", transactions[i].TransactionId)
@ -538,7 +413,7 @@ func TransactionsBalanceDifference(tx *Tx, accountid int64, transactions []Trans
// an ending balance
for j := range transactions[i].Splits {
if transactions[i].Splits[j].AccountId == accountid {
rat_amount, err := GetBigAmount(transactions[i].Splits[j].Amount)
rat_amount, err := models.GetBigAmount(transactions[i].Splits[j].Amount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -551,7 +426,7 @@ func TransactionsBalanceDifference(tx *Tx, accountid int64, transactions []Trans
func GetAccountBalance(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64) (*big.Rat, error) {
var splits []Split
var splits []models.Split
sql := "SELECT DISTINCT splits.* FROM splits INNER JOIN transactions ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE splits.AccountId=? AND transactions.UserId=?"
_, err := tx.Select(&splits, sql, accountid, user.UserId)
@ -561,7 +436,7 @@ func GetAccountBalance(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64) (*big.Rat, er
var balance, tmp big.Rat
for _, s := range splits {
rat_amount, err := GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
rat_amount, err := models.GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -574,7 +449,7 @@ func GetAccountBalance(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64) (*big.Rat, er
// Assumes accountid is valid and is owned by the current user
func GetAccountBalanceDate(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, date *time.Time) (*big.Rat, error) {
var splits []Split
var splits []models.Split
sql := "SELECT DISTINCT splits.* FROM splits INNER JOIN transactions ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE splits.AccountId=? AND transactions.UserId=? AND transactions.Date < ?"
_, err := tx.Select(&splits, sql, accountid, user.UserId, date)
@ -584,7 +459,7 @@ func GetAccountBalanceDate(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, date *tim
var balance, tmp big.Rat
for _, s := range splits {
rat_amount, err := GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
rat_amount, err := models.GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -596,7 +471,7 @@ func GetAccountBalanceDate(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, date *tim
func GetAccountBalanceDateRange(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, begin, end *time.Time) (*big.Rat, error) {
var splits []Split
var splits []models.Split
sql := "SELECT DISTINCT splits.* FROM splits INNER JOIN transactions ON transactions.TransactionId = splits.TransactionId WHERE splits.AccountId=? AND transactions.UserId=? AND transactions.Date >= ? AND transactions.Date < ?"
_, err := tx.Select(&splits, sql, accountid, user.UserId, begin, end)
@ -606,7 +481,7 @@ func GetAccountBalanceDateRange(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, begi
var balance, tmp big.Rat
for _, s := range splits {
rat_amount, err := GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
rat_amount, err := models.GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -617,9 +492,9 @@ func GetAccountBalanceDateRange(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, begi
return &balance, nil
func GetAccountTransactions(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, sort string, page uint64, limit uint64) (*AccountTransactionsList, error) {
var transactions []Transaction
var atl AccountTransactionsList
func GetAccountTransactions(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, sort string, page uint64, limit uint64) (*models.AccountTransactionsList, error) {
var transactions []models.Transaction
var atl models.AccountTransactionsList
var sqlsort, balanceLimitOffset string
var balanceLimitOffsetArg uint64
@ -685,7 +560,7 @@ func GetAccountTransactions(tx *Tx, user *models.User, accountid int64, sort str
var tmp, balance big.Rat
for _, amount := range amounts {
rat_amount, err := GetBigAmount(amount)
rat_amount, err := models.GetBigAmount(amount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package handlers_test
import (
@ -10,14 +11,14 @@ import (
func createTransaction(client *http.Client, transaction *handlers.Transaction) (*handlers.Transaction, error) {
var s handlers.Transaction
func createTransaction(client *http.Client, transaction *models.Transaction) (*models.Transaction, error) {
var s models.Transaction
err := create(client, transaction, &s, "/v1/transactions/")
return &s, err
func getTransaction(client *http.Client, transactionid int64) (*handlers.Transaction, error) {
var s handlers.Transaction
func getTransaction(client *http.Client, transactionid int64) (*models.Transaction, error) {
var s models.Transaction
err := read(client, &s, "/v1/transactions/"+strconv.FormatInt(transactionid, 10))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -25,8 +26,8 @@ func getTransaction(client *http.Client, transactionid int64) (*handlers.Transac
return &s, nil
func getTransactions(client *http.Client) (*handlers.TransactionList, error) {
var tl handlers.TransactionList
func getTransactions(client *http.Client) (*models.TransactionList, error) {
var tl models.TransactionList
err := read(client, &tl, "/v1/transactions/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -34,8 +35,8 @@ func getTransactions(client *http.Client) (*handlers.TransactionList, error) {
return &tl, nil
func getAccountTransactions(client *http.Client, accountid, page, limit int64, sort string) (*handlers.AccountTransactionsList, error) {
var atl handlers.AccountTransactionsList
func getAccountTransactions(client *http.Client, accountid, page, limit int64, sort string) (*models.AccountTransactionsList, error) {
var atl models.AccountTransactionsList
params := url.Values{}
query := fmt.Sprintf("/v1/accounts/%d/transactions/", accountid)
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ func getAccountTransactions(client *http.Client, accountid, page, limit int64, s
return &atl, nil
func updateTransaction(client *http.Client, transaction *handlers.Transaction) (*handlers.Transaction, error) {
var s handlers.Transaction
func updateTransaction(client *http.Client, transaction *models.Transaction) (*models.Transaction, error) {
var s models.Transaction
err := update(client, transaction, &s, "/v1/transactions/"+strconv.FormatInt(transaction.TransactionId, 10))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ func updateTransaction(client *http.Client, transaction *handlers.Transaction) (
return &s, nil
func deleteTransaction(client *http.Client, s *handlers.Transaction) error {
func deleteTransaction(client *http.Client, s *models.Transaction) error {
err := remove(client, "/v1/transactions/"+strconv.FormatInt(s.TransactionId, 10))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ func deleteTransaction(client *http.Client, s *handlers.Transaction) error {
return nil
func ensureTransactionsMatch(t *testing.T, expected, tran *handlers.Transaction, accounts *[]handlers.Account, matchtransactionids, matchsplitids bool) {
func ensureTransactionsMatch(t *testing.T, expected, tran *models.Transaction, accounts *[]models.Account, matchtransactionids, matchsplitids bool) {
if tran.TransactionId == 0 {
@ -136,9 +137,9 @@ func ensureTransactionsMatch(t *testing.T, expected, tran *handlers.Transaction,
func getAccountVersionMap(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, tran *handlers.Transaction) map[int64]*handlers.Account {
func getAccountVersionMap(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, tran *models.Transaction) map[int64]*models.Account {
accountMap := make(map[int64]*handlers.Account)
accountMap := make(map[int64]*models.Account)
for _, split := range tran.Splits {
account, err := getAccount(client, split.AccountId)
if err != nil {
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ func getAccountVersionMap(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, tran *handlers.Tran
return accountMap
func checkAccountVersionsUpdated(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, accountMap map[int64]*handlers.Account, tran *handlers.Transaction) {
func checkAccountVersionsUpdated(t *testing.T, client *http.Client, accountMap map[int64]*models.Account, tran *models.Transaction) {
for _, split := range tran.Splits {
account, err := getAccount(client, split.AccountId)
if err != nil {
@ -177,19 +178,19 @@ func TestCreateTransaction(t *testing.T) {
// Don't allow imbalanced transactions
tran := handlers.Transaction{
tran := models.Transaction{
UserId: d.users[0].UserId,
Description: "Imbalanced",
Date: time.Date(2017, time.September, 1, 0, 00, 00, 0, time.UTC),
Splits: []*handlers.Split{
Splits: []*models.Split{
Status: handlers.Reconciled,
Status: models.Reconciled,
AccountId: d.accounts[1].AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "-39.98",
Status: handlers.Entered,
Status: models.Entered,
AccountId: d.accounts[4].AccountId,
SecurityId: -1,
Amount: "39.99",
@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ func TestCreateTransaction(t *testing.T) {
// Don't allow transactions with 0 splits
tran.Splits = []*handlers.Split{}
tran.Splits = []*models.Split{}
_, err = createTransaction(d.clients[0], &tran)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected error creating with zero splits")
@ -316,9 +317,9 @@ func TestUpdateTransaction(t *testing.T) {
ensureTransactionsMatch(t, &curr, tran, nil, true, true)
tran.Splits = []*handlers.Split{}
tran.Splits = []*models.Split{}
for _, s := range curr.Splits {
var split handlers.Split
var split models.Split
split = *s
tran.Splits = append(tran.Splits, &split)
@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ func TestUpdateTransaction(t *testing.T) {
// Don't allow transactions with 0 splits
tran.Splits = []*handlers.Split{}
tran.Splits = []*models.Split{}
_, err = updateTransaction(d.clients[orig.UserId], tran)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected error updating with zero splits")
@ -391,12 +392,12 @@ func TestDeleteTransaction(t *testing.T) {
func helperTestAccountTransactions(t *testing.T, d *TestData, account *handlers.Account, limit int64, sort string) {
func helperTestAccountTransactions(t *testing.T, d *TestData, account *models.Account, limit int64, sort string) {
if account.UserId != d.users[0].UserId {
var transactions []handlers.Transaction
var transactions []models.Transaction
var lastFetchCount int64
for page := int64(0); page == 0 || lastFetchCount > 0; page++ {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package models
import (
type AccountType int64
const (
Bank AccountType = 1 // start at 1 so that the default (0) is invalid
Cash = 2
Asset = 3
Liability = 4
Investment = 5
Income = 6
Expense = 7
Trading = 8
Equity = 9
Receivable = 10
Payable = 11
var AccountTypes = []AccountType{
func (t AccountType) String() string {
switch t {
case Bank:
return "Bank"
case Cash:
return "Cash"
case Asset:
return "Asset"
case Liability:
return "Liability"
case Investment:
return "Investment"
case Income:
return "Income"
case Expense:
return "Expense"
case Trading:
return "Trading"
case Equity:
return "Equity"
case Receivable:
return "Receivable"
case Payable:
return "Payable"
return ""
type Account struct {
AccountId int64
ExternalAccountId string
UserId int64
SecurityId int64
ParentAccountId int64 // -1 if this account is at the root
Type AccountType
Name string
// monotonically-increasing account transaction version number. Used for
// allowing a client to ensure they have a consistent version when paging
// through transactions.
AccountVersion int64 `json:"Version"`
// Optional fields specifying how to fetch transactions from a bank via OFX
OFXURL string
OFXORG string
OFXFID string
OFXUser string
OFXBankID string // OFX BankID (BrokerID if AcctType == Investment)
OFXAcctID string
OFXAcctType string // ofxgo.acctType
OFXClientUID string
OFXAppID string
OFXAppVer string
OFXVersion string
OFXNoIndent bool
type AccountList struct {
Accounts *[]Account `json:"accounts"`
func (a *Account) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(a)
func (a *Account) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(a)
func (al *AccountList) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(al)
func (al *AccountList) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(al)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package models
import (
// Split.Status
const (
Imported int64 = 1
Entered = 2
Cleared = 3
Reconciled = 4
Voided = 5
// Split.ImportSplitType
const (
Default int64 = 0
ImportAccount = 1 // This split belongs to the main account being imported
SubAccount = 2 // This split belongs to a sub-account of that being imported
ExternalAccount = 3
TradingAccount = 4
Commission = 5
Taxes = 6
Fees = 7
Load = 8
IncomeAccount = 9
ExpenseAccount = 10
type Split struct {
SplitId int64
TransactionId int64
Status int64
ImportSplitType int64
// One of AccountId and SecurityId must be -1
// In normal splits, AccountId will be valid and SecurityId will be -1. The
// only case where this is reversed is for transactions that have been
// imported and not yet associated with an account.
AccountId int64
SecurityId int64
RemoteId string // unique ID from server, for detecting duplicates
Number string // Check or reference number
Memo string
Amount string // String representation of decimal, suitable for passing to big.Rat.SetString()
func GetBigAmount(amt string) (*big.Rat, error) {
var r big.Rat
_, success := r.SetString(amt)
if !success {
return nil, errors.New("Couldn't convert string amount to big.Rat via SetString()")
return &r, nil
func (s *Split) GetAmount() (*big.Rat, error) {
return GetBigAmount(s.Amount)
func (s *Split) Valid() bool {
if (s.AccountId == -1) == (s.SecurityId == -1) {
return false
_, err := s.GetAmount()
return err == nil
type Transaction struct {
TransactionId int64
UserId int64
Description string
Date time.Time
Splits []*Split `db:"-"`
type TransactionList struct {
Transactions *[]Transaction `json:"transactions"`
type AccountTransactionsList struct {
Account *Account
Transactions *[]Transaction
TotalTransactions int64
BeginningBalance string
EndingBalance string
func (t *Transaction) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(t)
func (t *Transaction) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(t)
func (tl *TransactionList) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(tl)
func (tl *TransactionList) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(tl)
func (atl *AccountTransactionsList) Write(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(atl)
func (atl *AccountTransactionsList) Read(json_str string) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_str))
return dec.Decode(atl)
func (t *Transaction) Valid() bool {
for i := range t.Splits {
if !t.Splits[i].Valid() {
return false
return true
Reference in New Issue
Block a user